Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): Articles in Press

Articles in Press on JPFA are articles that have been accepted for publication in JPFA but have not yet been assigned to specific issues (volume and number).  Articles in Press can also be the articles that have been assigned to specific issues but the issue has not been published yet. They provide possible chance to read about the latest developments in a certain research area before articles are officially published. More details about Articles in Press, see Articles in Press Policy.

There are three types of Articles in Press on JPFA:

  1. Accepted manuscripts (AM) - Accepted manuscripts are articles that have been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication by JPFA Editorial Board, but have not yet been copyedited or formatted in JPFA style.
  2. Uncorrected proofs (UP) - Uncorrected proofs have been copyedited and formatted according to JPFA Scientific Research Guidelines, but are not finalized and may still be corrected by the authors, so the text could change before final publication.
  3. Corrected proofs (CP) - Corrected proofs contain authors’ and proofreaders’ corrections and may or may not have a specific issue and page numbers assigned.

Please note that the DOI in the Article in Press is still not active until the issue is officially published.

Published: 2024-04-28
