Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Sosial terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran selama Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Mediasi Kemampuan Inovasi dan Kemampuan Branding (Studi pada Pelaku UMKM yang Menggunakan Media Sosial).
branding capability, innovation capability, marketing performance, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), social media usage.Abstract
The Covid-19 virus that spreads globally has an impact on economic growth in Indonesia. Several business sectors have experienced a decline in performance due to the government's restrictions on outdoor activities to prevent the spread of this virus. For this reason, SMEs must be able to adjust their marketing channels from offline to online to optimize marketing performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the online marketing tools is social media. This study investigates the use of social media on marketing performance with innovation capability and branding capability as mediating variables. This study uses 200 samples of respondents who are the owners of SMEs that collected through an online questionnaire. We use the Partial Least Square (PLS) method to test the hypothesis. The results of this study indicate that social media has a significant effect on innovation capability and branding capability and helps SMEs improve their marketing performance. This research also proves that innovation capability and branding capability successfully mediate the influence of the relationship between social media use on marketing performance.References
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Asio, S. M., & Khorasani, S. T. (2015). Social Media: A Platform for Innovation. Proceedings of the 2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, 14961504.
Bali, S., & Bélanger, C. H. (2019). Exploring the use of Facebook as a marketing and branding tool by hospital foundations. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 24(3), 110.
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Chang, Q., Peng, Y., & Berger, P. D. (2018). The Impact Of Social Media Performance On Sales Of Retail Food Brands. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 6(2), 112.
Chanthinok, K., Ussahawanitchakit, P., & Jhundra-indra, P. (2015). Social Media Marketing Strategy and Marketing Performance: Evidence from E-commerce Firms in Thailand. AU-GSB E-Journal, 8(1), 119.
Fahmi Al-Zyoud, M. (2018). Social media marketing, functional branding strategy and intentional branding. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16(3), 102116.
Farida, N. (2016). Determinants Of Marketing Performance: Innovation, Market Capabilities And Marketing Performance. Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 7(31), 5665.
Ferreira, J., & Coelho, A. (2020). Dynamic capabilities, innovation and branding capabilities and their impact on competitive advantage and SMEs performance in Portugal: the moderating effects of entrepreneurial orientation. International Journal of Innovation Science, 12(3), 255286.
Ghozali, I., & Latan, H. (2015). Partial Least Square. Konsep, Teknik Dan Aplikasi Menggunakan Program SmartPLS.3.Semarang: UNDIP.
Hatta, I. H. (2015). Orientasi Pasar, Orientasi Kewirausahaan, Kapabilitas Pemasaran dan Kinerja Pemasaran. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen (JAM), 13(4), 654660.
Jones, N., Borgman, R., & Ulusoy, E. (2015). Impact of social media on small businesses. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 22(4), 611632.
Kamboj, S., Sarmah, B., Gupta, S., & Dwivedi, Y. (2018). Examining branding co-creation in brand communities on social media: Applying the paradigm of Stimulus-Organism-Response. International Journal of Information Management, 39(December 2017), 169185.
Kurniawan, I. B., & Puniawan, I. M. E. (2020). Pengaruh Digital Marketing Terhadap Pemasaran Budidaya Ikan Gurami Mina Sejahtera Di Desa Pengeragoan, Kabupaten Jembrana. Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Pariwisata, 15(1), 1120.
Lipiäinen, H. S. M., & Karjaluoto, H. (2015). Industrial branding in the digital age. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30(6), 733741.
Malhotra, N. K. (2010). Riset Pemasaran¯: Pendekatan Terapan (Jilid 2) (4th ed.). Jakarta: Indeks.
McCorkle, D., & Payan, J. (2017). Using Twitter in the Marketing and Advertising Classroom to Develop Skills for Social Media Marketing and Personal Branding. Journal of Advertising Education, 21(1), 3343.
Merrilees, B., Rundle-Thiele, S., & Lye, A. (2011). Marketing capabilities: Antecedents and implications for B2B SME performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(3), 368375.
Moghaddam, B. A., & Armat, P. (2015). A study on effect of innovation and branding on performance of small and medium enterprises. Management Science Letters, 5(3), 245250.
Muntinga, D. G., Moorman, M., & Smit, E. G. (2011). Introducing COBRAs. International Journal of Advertising: The Review of Marketing Communications, 30(1), 1346.
Nitzl, C., Roldan, J. L., & Cepeda, G. (2016). Mediation analysis in partial least squares path modelling, Helping researchers discuss more sophisticated models. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 116(9), 18491864.
Nursastri, S. A., & Pranita, E. (2020). Diumumkan Awal Maret, Ahli: Virus Corona Masuk Indonesia dari Januari. Kompas.Com. Diakses pada 19 Desember 2020)
OCass, A., & Ngo, L. V. (2011). Achieving customer satisfaction in services firms via branding capability and customer empowerment. Journal of Services Marketing, 25(7), 489496.
Odoom, R., Agbemabiese, G. C., Anning-Dorson, T., & Mensah, P. (2017). Branding capabilities and SME performance in an emerging market. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 35(4), 473487.
Odoom, R., & Mensah, P. (2018). Brand orientation and brand performance in SMEs. Management Research Review, 42(1), 155171.
Olanrewaju, A.-S. T., Hossain, M. A., Whiteside, N., & Mercieca, P. (2020). Social media and entrepreneurship research: A literature review. International Journal of Information Management, 50(May 2019), 90110.
Papa, A., Santoro, G., Tirabeni, L., & Monge, F. (2018). Social media as tool for facilitating knowledge creation and innovation in small and medium enterprises. Baltic Journal of Management, 13(3), 329344.
Parveen, F., Jaafar, N. I., & Ainin, S. (2015). Social media usage and organizational performance: Reflections of Malaysian social media managers. Telematics and Informatics, 32(1), 6778.
Parveen, F., Jaafar, N. I., & Ainin, S. (2016). Social medias impact on organizational performance and entrepreneurial orientation in organizations. Management Decision, 54(9), 22082234.
Primanto, A. B., & Athia, I. (2020). Masih Pentingkah Kemampuan Pemasaran Pada Era Media Sosial Pemasaran? Jurnal Inspirasi Bisnis Dan Manajemen, 4(1), 45.
Purwantini, A. H., & Anisa, F. (2018). Anteseden Dan Konsekuen Penggunaan Media Sosial Bagi Umkm: Analisis Perspektif Organisasi. Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 19(3), 12.
Rajapathirana, R. P. J., & Hui, Y. (2018). Relationship between innovation capability, innovation type, and firm performance. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 3(1), 4455.
Rashid, M. K., Aziz, A., & Niazi, K. (2020). Investigating the Antecedents and Impact of Social Media Usage on the Performance of Women-owned SMEs in Pakistan. NUML International Journal of Business & Management, 15(1), 1529.
Roberts, D. L., Piller, F. T., & Lüttgens, D. (2016). Mapping the Impact of Social Media for Innovation: The Role of Social Media in Explaining Innovation Performance in the PDMA Comparative Performance Assessment Study. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33(S1), 117135.
Shen, B., & Bissell, K. (2013). Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding. Journal of Promotion Management, 19(5), 629651.
Sidi, A. P., & Yogatama, A. N. (2019). Mediasi Intellectual Capital atas Pengaruh Digital Marketing Terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran. IQTISHODUNA, 15(2), 129152.
Stephen, A. T., & Galak, J. (2010). The Complementary Roles Of Traditional And Social Media Publicity In Driving Marketing Performance.working paper Insead The Business School of the World. (52).
Tafesse, W., & Wien, A. (2018). Implementing social media marketing strategically: an empirical assessment. Journal of Marketing Management, 34(910), 732749.
Tajvidi, R., & Karami, A. (2017). The effect of social media on firm performance. Computers in Human Behavior, 110.
Verduyn, P., Ybarra, O., Résibois, M., Jonides, J., & Kross, E. (2017). Do Social Network Sites Enhance or Undermine Subjective Well-Being? A Critical Review. Social Issues and Policy Review, 11(1), 274302.
Wang, X., & Dass, M. (2017). Building innovation capability: The role of top management innovativeness and relative-exploration orientation. Journal of Business Research, 76, 127135.
Wang, Z., & Kim, H. G. (2017). Can Social Media Marketing Improve Customer Relationship Capabilities and Firm Performance? Dynamic Capability Perspective. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 39, 1526.
Yasmin, A., Tasneem, S., & Fatema, K. (2015). Effectiveness of Digital Marketing in the Challenging Age: An Empirical Study. The International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 1(5), 6980.
YuSheng, K., & Ibrahim, M. (2020). Innovation Capabilities, Innovation Types, and Firm Performance: Evidence From the Banking Sector of Ghana. SAGE Open, 10(2), 215824402092089.
Zubielqui, G. C. de, Fryges, H., & Jones, J. (2019). Social media, open innovation & HRM: Implications for performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 144(April), 334347.
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How to Cite
Anggraeni, M., & Sanaji, S. (2021). Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Sosial terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran selama Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Mediasi Kemampuan Inovasi dan Kemampuan Branding (Studi pada Pelaku UMKM yang Menggunakan Media Sosial). Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, 9(2), 752–767.