Model Kepemimpinan Autentik pada Sekolah Berbasis Agama Katolik


  • Paulus Eddy Suhartanto a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:23:"Sanata Dharma Univerity";}



kepemimpinan autentik, self knowledge, self consistency, psychological capital


Authentic leadership research related to antecedents and consequences is still limited,
especially with regard to antecedents and consequences. Several studies show that
the role of psychological capital, self knowledge and self consistency has not been consistent.
Likewise, related to organizational commitment as a consequence of authentic leadership.
This study aims to examine the antecedent model and consequences
of authentic leadership in Catholicism-based schools. Authentic leadership antecedent test
involves those consisting of self knowledge, self consistency and psychological capital
as antecedents to authentic leadership. Consequence testing involves organizational commitment.
The results show that psychological capital has a greater correlation than self consistency
and self knowledge. The implications of antecedent roles for authentic leadership
and affective commitment need to be considered in the development of authentic leadership.  


Avolio, B. J. (2005). Leadership development in balance: Made/born. Mahwah, NJ Lawrence Earlbaum AssociatesAvolio, B. J., & Gardner, W. L. (2005). Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 16(3), 315-338.

Avolio, B. J., Gardner, W. L., Walumbwa, F. O., Luthans, F., & May, D. R. (2004). Unlocking the mask: a look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes and behaviors. The Leadership Quarterly, 15(6), 801-823.




How to Cite

Suhartanto, P. E. (2022). Model Kepemimpinan Autentik pada Sekolah Berbasis Agama Katolik. Jurnal Psikologi Teori Dan Terapan, 13(1), 82–93.
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