Pengaruh keahlian pelanggan dan komitmen afektif terhadap kepuasan melalui ko-produksi pelanggan: studi pada layanan restoran


  • Thoriq Septian Firjatullah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Sanaji Universitas Negeri Surabaya



affective commitment, co-production, customer expertise, customer satisfaction


This study aims to determine the effect of customer expertise and affective commitment on satisfaction through customer co-production. It is focused on a restaurant that provides self-service to its customers. This quantitative research uses a descriptive conclusive research design to test 5 hypotheses. The test uses PLS-SEM analysis with 202 respondents. The results showed that all hypotheses were successfully accepted; namely, it was found that customer expertise has a significant effect on co-production, affective commitment has a significant effect on co-production, co-production has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, customer expertise has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, affective commitment has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. From these results, it can be understood that restaurants need to ensure an increase in knowledge for customers and try to develop a sense of affective commitment in customers. With good expertise and a high sense of affective commitment to customers, customers' success in co-production will be higher. This success in co-production creates a sense of satisfaction for customers.


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How to Cite

Firjatullah, T. S., & Sanaji. (2024). Pengaruh keahlian pelanggan dan komitmen afektif terhadap kepuasan melalui ko-produksi pelanggan: studi pada layanan restoran. Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, 12(4), 843–859.



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