Tingkatkan Fokus dengan Latihan Buttoning Skills pada Anak Mild Intellectual Disability


  • Nadira Khairunnisa Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
  • Nurul Hartini Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya




Atensi, Buttoning skills, Intellectual disability


Children with intellectual disabilities have deficits in general
mental abilities due to insignificant cognitive development.
The deficits result in weak attention functions that difficulty
maintaining focus and are easily distracted. Therefore, they
failed to meet standards in responsibility including daily life
aspects. Implementing behavior modification enhances
mastery of daily life skills and also training focuses in order
that children become more independent. This study aims to
examine whether buttoning skills practice could increase
focus on intellectual disability children. The experimental
approach was carried out with a single case AB with
backward chaining technique assisted by prompting and
giving positive reinforcement. The participant was a 9-yearold girl with the initials ZR who was diagnosed with mild
intellectual disability. Assessment based on accomplishment
following the stages systematically. The results show there is
an improvement trend in mastering buttoning skills. This is
due to appropriate positive reinforcement being selected that
motivated participants to focus on completing tasks.
Repetition makes participants become more acclimated to
wear button-up clothes. This skill practice could be an option
to encourage focus on intellectual disability children.

Anak dengan intellectual disability mengalami defisit intelektual sebab perkembangan kognisi yang tidak optimal. Kondisi ini menyebabkan lemahnya fungsi atensi yang merupakan faktor signifikan dari perkembangan kognitif. Akibatnya anak mengalami hambatan pada kemampuan dalam keterampilan adaptif, sosial serta konseptual. Akan tetapi anak mild intellectual disability masih dapat dibina walau perlu pendampingan. Mereka dapat diajarkan keterampilan sehari-hari untuk meningkatkan kemandirian. Keterampilan harian self-help dressing menjadi salah satu kebutuhan, termasuk berlatih memasang-melepas kancing (buttoning skills). Buttoning skills membutuhkan tahapan yang tersistematis sehingga membantu anak berkonsentrasi. Penelitian ini adalah single case AB design pada anak mild intellectual disability berusia 9 tahun. Intervensi yang digunakan adalah backward chaining dibantu teknik prompting dan pemberian positive reinforcement. Hasil buttoning skills dengan intervensi yang ditetapkan mendapatkan gambaran adanya peningkatan keterampilan serta membangun fokus dan dorongan pada anak.


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How to Cite

Khairunnisa, N., & Hartini, N. (2022). Tingkatkan Fokus dengan Latihan Buttoning Skills pada Anak Mild Intellectual Disability. Jurnal Psikologi Teori Dan Terapan, 13(3), 318–330. https://doi.org/10.26740/jptt.v13n3.p318-330
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