Hubungan antara Work Engagement dengan Turnover Intention pada Pekerja Generasi Milenial di Jabodetabek


  • Muchtadin Muchtadin Manajemen, Universitas YPPI, Rembang



Work engagement, turnover intention, milenial, Jabodetabek


This study aims to see the extent to which work involvement is
interrelated with turnover intention in millennial generation
workers in Jabodetabek. The method used in this research is
quantitative. The data analysis technique used descriptive
analysis to see the description of the respondents and Pearson
correlation analysis was used to see the relationship between
the two variables. The sample was taken based on certain
criteria, namely workers who were born in 1982 to 2002,
worked in Greater Jakarta and had worked for at least one
year. Sampling is non-random sampling, namely purposive
sampling. A total of 214 millennial workers were collected as
respondents. The results of the study found that the data was
normally distributed and avoided heteroscedasticity, but the
data was not linear, so bootstrapping had to be done. This study
concludes that the higher the work engagement, the lower the
turnover intention of millennial workers. Future research
should limit the type of work to millennial workers in the
Jabodetabek area. Companies must determine different
strategies in dealing with workers creating millennial
generations in order to maintain the work involvement of their
workers so as to reduce turnover intention.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana work engagement saling berkaitan dengan turnover intention pada pekerja generasi milenial di Jabodetabek. Analisis korelasional dipakai untuk melihat hubungan kedua variabel. Sampel diambil berdasarkan kriteria tertentu yaitu pekerja yang lahir di tahun 1982 sampai 2002, bekerja di Jabodetabek dan sudah bekerja minimal selama  satu tahun. Pengambilan sampel bersifat non random sampling yaitu purposive sampling. Sebanyak 214 pekerja milenial dikumpulkan sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian menemukan bawah data berdistribusi normal dan terhindar dari heteroskedastisitas namun data tidak linear sehingga harus dilakukan bootstrap. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi work engagement maka semakin rendah turnover intention yang dimiliki oleh pekerja milenial. Penelitian selanjutnya harus membatas jenis pekerjaan pada pekerja milenial di wilayah Jabodetabek. Perusahaan harus menetapkan strategi yang berbeda dalam menghadapi pekerja generasi milenial agar dapat mempertahankan  work engagement pekerjanya sehingga mengurangi turnover intention.


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How to Cite

Muchtadin, M. (2022). Hubungan antara Work Engagement dengan Turnover Intention pada Pekerja Generasi Milenial di Jabodetabek. Jurnal Psikologi Teori Dan Terapan, 13(3), 377–391.
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