Finite Element Analysis of Patient Specific Bone Plate with Ti6Al4V Material Selection


  • Talitha Asmaria Indonesian Institute of Science
  • Dita Ayu Mayasari Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Safarudin Ramdhani Universitas Diponegoro
  • Muhammad Satrio Utomo Indonesian Institute of Science
  • Daniel Panghihutan Malau Indonesian Institute of Science
  • Dhyah Annur Indonesian Institute of Science
  • Muhammad Ikhlasul Amal Indonesian Institute of Science
  • Ika Kartika Indonesian Institute of Science



finite element analysis, bone plate, implant, titanium alloy


A patient-specific implant is a designed implant that considers the needs of a specialized patients condition. In several surgical cases, the implant design needs to be adjusted based on the patient bones surface to suit the bone morphometry. This study aims to conduct the finite element analysis to investigate the stress distribution alongside the plate to consider clinical implementation. A bone plate has been designed following an adult pelvic bone shape for the pelvic fractures clinical case management. An FEA was accomplished to analyse the implant designs performance and estimate the installations clinical failures before the manufacturing process. The FEA calculation achieved the highest number of von misses stresses (VM) on the pelvic bone plate by 3.616 MPa. The obtained VM number on the simulation is smaller than the yield strength of Ti6Al4V. It concludes that the customized iliac plates design using Ti6Al4V can have excellent mechanical strength and can withstand the loading. Additional similar simulation using another software strengthen the results.

Author Biographies

Talitha Asmaria, Indonesian Institute of Science

Research Centre for Metallurgy and Material, Indonesian Institute of Science, Indonesia

Dita Ayu Mayasari, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia

Safarudin Ramdhani, Universitas Diponegoro

Postgraduate Programme of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro

Muhammad Satrio Utomo, Indonesian Institute of Science

Research Centre for Metallurgy and Material, Indonesian Institute of Science, Indonesia

Daniel Panghihutan Malau, Indonesian Institute of Science

Research Centre for Metallurgy and Material, Indonesian Institute of Science, Indonesia

Dhyah Annur, Indonesian Institute of Science

Research Centre for Metallurgy and Material, Indonesian Institute of Science, Indonesia

Muhammad Ikhlasul Amal, Indonesian Institute of Science

Research Centre for Metallurgy and Material, Indonesian Institute of Science, Indonesia

Ika Kartika, Indonesian Institute of Science

Research Centre for Metallurgy and Material, Indonesian Institute of Science, Indonesia


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How to Cite

Asmaria, T. (2021) “Finite Element Analysis of Patient Specific Bone Plate with Ti6Al4V Material Selection”, Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 11(1), pp. 83–93. doi: 10.26740/jpfa.v11n1.p83-93.



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