Pengaruh Sikap dan Keyakinan Konsumen dalam Keputusan Pembelian Tepung Terigu Merek Gunung Bromo Produk PT. Bogasari Flour Mils Surabaya


  • I Putu Artaya Universitas Narotama



customer believe, customer attitude, customer buying decison


This research aim to know, the influence of customer believe n and customer attitude toward customer buying decision during choice raw material of wheat flour for making noodle and bread. Object of this research is noodle manufacture in Surabaya which is PT Bogasari  Flour Mills.

In the same way, this research using dependence and independence variables. Dependence variable is   buying decision and independence variabels are customer believe ( x1) and customer attitude  (x2) . Model of analysis aproach is linear multiple regresion with 30 respondance which is a customer of PT Bogasari Flour Mills Surabaya. Sample using random sampling with samples take without any selection between respondance. Answer alternatif using ordinal approach with likert scale method. Validation test using correction item total and shown that all item are valid because value of corrected item total correlation biger than valu of r tabel. Its mean quetion items can be uses to show something .In the other hand  for reliable test using Alpha Cronbachs trough  cronbach alpha item test  and the  result is reliable because result of all items bigger than 0.7 ( standart correlation )  its mean  if items of question will be use continously will give respond  or result consistatly or never change .

Furher more, multiple regresion result shown that customer believe ( x1) and customer attitude  (x2)  has influence to customer buying decision  (y) with partial hypotesa test  and simultaneously  has significan result . Between both variable independence, customerbelieve (x1) has dominant influence trough customer buying decision (y). Value corelation between idependent and dependent variable with partial and    simultanous indicator together has strong value above 0.7. Further more, according this research can show that PT Bogasari Flour Mills Surabaya should increase and growing positive perception of customer during build attitude image and believe image trough customer buying decison


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How to Cite

Artaya, I. P. (2018). Pengaruh Sikap dan Keyakinan Konsumen dalam Keputusan Pembelian Tepung Terigu Merek Gunung Bromo Produk PT. Bogasari Flour Mils Surabaya. BISMA (Bisnis Dan Manajemen), 1(1), 64–71.



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