Interdisciplinary Reflections in Teaching for Educational Statistics Perspectives of Educators with Islamic Religious Education Backgrounds


  • Mujiansyah Mujiansyah UIN Antasari Banjarmasin


Educational Statistics, Interdisciplinarity, Living Theory


This research explores the application of an interdisciplinary approach in teaching for Educational Statistics by an educator with an Islamic Religious Education background. Using a single case study methodology and a living theory framework, this study investigates how the integration of Islamic Religious Education perspectives can enrich statistics teaching. Data was collected through reflective journals, participant observation, student interviews, and document analysis over one academic semester. The results show that this interdisciplinary approach creates a rich and meaningful learning environment, enhancing students' conceptual understanding, developing ethical awareness, critical thinking, and metacognitive abilities. The use of analogies and contextualization of statistical knowledge within the framework of Islamic values increases the relevance and applicability of the material for students. Despite facing implementation challenges, this approach demonstrates significant potential in improving learning motivation and changing students' perceptions of statistics. These findings have important implications for interdisciplinary curriculum design and the development of educators' professional identities in the context of higher education.



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