Beyond the Action and Break the Standards: My Living Educational Theory of Differentiated Instruction


  • Sonya Sinyanyuri Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Yuli Rahmawati Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • M Syarif Sumantri Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Differentiated Instruction, Environment, Living Educational Theory, Teacher Beliefs


Like a chrysalis, I am currently waiting for the end of the metamorphosis process and transforming into a beautiful butterfly. That is a picture of me in the process of transforming from a teacher who uses a single standard in teaching to a teacher who uses a differentiated instruction (DI). However, through living educational theory research I realised that the transformation process will never end. The purpose of writing this article is to describe the transformation of the teaching system that I use which is influenced by the environment through reflection activities using living educational theory research. I concluded that DI talks about the teacher's love and the courage of teachers to free themselves to break down the established standards into parts that suit the needs of students, or in other words I say “Beyond the Action and Break the Standard”. This research using LET, that allows me as a teacher to theorise my professional practice reflects on my educational values and on the practice solutions which were developed therefrom. Through LET, I have a living educational theory about differentiated instruction and realised that the learning practices that I had carried out were greatly influenced by my beliefs as a teacher. And I also realised that my belief in the importance of DI was greatly influenced by the environment in which I worked.



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