Density and Distribution Patterns of Bellucia pentamera Naudin in the Rehabilitation Zone of Gunung Palung National Park, Ketapang Regency
Bellucia pentamera, density , distribution patternAbstract
Jambu tangkalak is a tree-shaped invasive alien plant belonging to the Melastomataceae family. Jambu tangkalak (Bellucia pentamera) affects forests that are being rehabilitated and must be quickly controlled because it inhibits the growth of other plants. This study aimed to determine the density and distribution pattern of B. pentamera in the Rehabilitation Zone of Gunung Palung National Park. The data were collected from May to June 2023 using a survey method with single plot measuring 100 x 100 m in which there were sub-plots measuring 10 x 10 m. The data were analyzed by using density equations and standardized Morisita Index distribution patterns. The density of B. pentamera seedling stratum was 1485 individuals/ha with a relative density of 42.2%, sapling stratum was 2017 individuals/ha with a relative density of 57.4%, and tree stratum was 14 individuals/ha with a relative density of 0.4%. The standard value of the degree of morisita of B. pentamera nown to be 0,52. Based on this, the distribution pattern of B. pentamera is clustered with the density at the sapling stratum being more dominant than the seedling and tree strata.
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