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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has not been previously published, or is under consideration by another journal.
  • Manuscript file is in Microsoft Word document file format (.docx or .doc)
  • URLs for references have been included, if any.
  • The manuscript has been written according to the writing format following Author Guidelines
  • The text of the article complies with referencing and language style requirements of LenteraBio
  • The author(s) is willing to follow the review process established LenteraBio Editor Team
  • Attaching Letter of Originality Statement for every submission as Supplementary File

Author Guidelines

LenteraBio only accepts manuscripts of research results that have never been published and are not being sent to other journals. The manuscript is the original work of the author(s) and is free from plagiarism. Similarity scanning will be performed to all submission using Turnitin. The similarity index is expected to be less than 25% and not clustered in one paragraph. Author(s) is required to fill out and submit a Statement  of Originality (Download here). The Statement of Originality is uploaded together as the Supplementary File at the time of manuscript submission. Manuscripts must be written in proper Indonesian or English.



Authors should submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word format (.docx or .doc) which have been written according to the LenteraBio article template (Article Template download).




The title must describe the contents of the article, is written concisely, clearly, maximum 15 words; every word starts with a capital letter except for conjunctions. Articles in Indonesian should be accompanied by English titles.



The authors should contribute directly and significantly to the research and publication of articles, as stated in the Statement of Originality. Author's name and address (by-lines); all authors' names are written clearly; The first author is written first and the second next, third and so on respectively. If the name is too long, it can be shortened, but the last name must be written in full. Example:

Anastiwi Putri Lestari can be written A.P. Lestari or Anastiwi P. Lestari, but not Anastiwi Putri L. or Anastiwi P.L.

The author's affiliation written in by-lines is the institution or agency where the research was conducted. For example, Budi is a lecturer at ABC Agency who continues his studies and conducts thesis research at Study Program X, University Y. When Budi publishes the results of the research, the address written is Study Program X, University Y, not ABC Agency.



Abstract contains the essence of the article, contains an introduction (1-2 short sentences), objectives, methods including analysis methods, results and a summary of the discussion (conclusions). In the abstract, there should be no reference to literature. Abstract should be written in one paragraph and should not exceed 200 words. At the end of the abstract, 3-5 keywords are listed in alphabetical order. Keywords should not be the words/phrases listed in the title.


In the introduction, describe what and how the research was conducted. Show the state of the art research by reviewing similar studies that have been done before. Thus, in this section there must be adequate citations. Citation uses the name and year system, for example:

Several members of Donax, for example Donax faba, are found in the tropics (Dharma, 2005), with sandy sediment-type habitats including Madura (Ambarwati and Faizah, 2017; Alyani and Ambarwati, 2018) and Kenjeran Beach, Surabaya (Tyas and Kuntjoro, 2018). In West Sumatra, it is commonly found on the Nirwana Beach, Padang (Fitriani et al., 2008) and the Tanjungbalai coastal area (Ginting et al., 2017).

In addition, describe the gap analysis that shows the urgency of this research. At the end of the introduction, clearly state the purpose of the research.


Materials and Methods

This section contains an explanation of the materials and tools used, time, place, research techniques and methods, as well as how to analyze data. The tools commonly used do not need to be detailed, but instead please include type or specification of the instruments used, but not the brand.

Tools and materials do not need to be detailed in a specificified paragraph, but should be mentioned when explaining work methods or procedures. The method must be explained as completely as possible so that other researchers can reproduce or verify it. References should be given to lesser known methods. Methods of data analysis should also be stated clearly.

For exploratory research, it should be equipped with a map of the sampling location. The map of the sampling location was made carefully, not just capturing images from Google Maps or Google Earth. Sampling procedures including station, substation, and subplot sampling should also be clearly stated. Experimental research must clearly state the experimental design. The data analysis used must be in accordance with the experimental design.


Results contain findings of the research. The data presented is data that has been processed and ready to be discussed to answer the research objectives (not raw data), in addition, to clarifying results, illustrations in the form of pictures and tables can also be inserted. However, the results that have been explained with tables or illustrations do not need to be presented in a detailed text description. The results are written in the form of paragraphs, not in the form of divisions per sub-chapter/point.

Mathematical equations should be clearly stated and typed using a program for formulas, such as Equation or Math Type. Decimal numbers is marked with a comma (,) for Indonesian and a period (.) for English.

Tables and figures must be included to clarify the description, then sequentially numbered and referred to sequentially in the text, the title is written briefly and clearly. Table title is placed at the top. Tables and figures are placed after they are referred to in the text. So tables and figures are illustrative which clarify the description in the text.

The table is made in the form of an open table (only a horizontal line at the head of the table and at the end of the table). The table must be made clearly and communicatively and is self-explanatory (still meaningful even though it is separated from the text). Therefore, the table should be equipped with descriptions. The table is placed in the type field directly (format: in line with text).

Illustrations in the form of images include photos, graphs, maps, and charts. Image titles are placed below. The title of the illustration is in the form of a diagram or graph, there is no need to use the word "diagram" or "graph". Photos must have a high resolution so that the resulting image is sharp and clear. Graphs and diagrams are presented without outlines or frames. Numbers in graphs or diagrams must be written carefully, including the use of commas and periods in numbers. Images must be made clearly and communicatively and are self-explanatory (still meaningful even though they are separated from the text). Therefore, the image should be accompanied by a description of the image. If a photo or image consists of several components, then all components must be grouped together. The image is placed in the type field directly (format: in line with text).

Scientific name; scientific names are written according to the rules of scientific writing according to ICZN for nomenclature of animals, ICBN for nomenclature of plants, as well as for viruses and bacteria must be in accordance with the nomenclature of viruses and bacteria. For units of quantitative measurement use International Units.



This section is a description of the discussion in accordance to research objectives. As with the presentation of results, the discussion is also written in paragraph form, not in the form of division per sub-chapter/point. Discussion is written by linking the theory and empirical findings by utilizing related literature (preferably journal articles). Citation uses the name and year system, for example:

Several members of Donax, for example Donax faba, are found in the tropics (Dharma, 2005), with sandy sediment-type habitats including Madura (Ambarwati and Faizah, 2017; Alyani and Ambarwati, 2018) and Kenjeran Beach, Surabaya (Tyas and Kuntjoro, 2018). In West Sumatra, it is commonly found on the Nirwana Beach, Padang (Fitriani et al., 2008) and the Tanjungbalai coastal area (Ginting et al., 2017).



Research conclusions are written concisely and clearly, in the form of paragraphs, not points. Conclusions must be in accordance with the objectives.


Conflict of Interest

If applicable, authors must disclose any conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest related to their study.



Acknowledgment from the author, can be written in this section. Acknowledgments are addressed to those who have played an important or meritorious role in conducting research and publications, but whose contributions were not significant as authors.



The bibliography contains all the references cited or referred directly in the text of the manuscript. References should be written in alphabetical order by writing as in the example below. Authors are recommended to use a reference manager such as Mendeley or Zotero. References used are prioritized in the form of primary reference (scientific journal articles) and recent (published in the last ten years, except for certain fields such as taxonomy and evolution.


Examples of Writing Reference :


Author's name, Year. Book title. Publishing City: Publisher Name

Dharma B, 2005. Recent and fossil Indonesian shells. Hackenheim: Conchbooks.


Articles in Journals:

Author's name, Year. Article title. Journal Name; Volume(Number): page.

Alyani DF dan Ambarwati R, 2018. Variasi Morfologi dan Kemelimpahan  Donax faba (Bivalvia: Donacidae) di Pantai Tengket Bangkalan Madura. Biotropic; 2(2): 73-84.

Tyas AW dan Kuntjoro S, 2018. Keanekaragaman Bivalvia dan Peranannya Sebagai Bioindikator Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) di Pantai Kenjeran Surabaya. LenteraBio; 7(3): 248-252.


Writings from Books with multiple authors (each writing a different chapter):

Author's name, Year. Title of chapter/writing. Pages in/in Editor Name. Book title. Publishing City: Publisher Name

Harte ME, 1998. Superfamily Veneroidea. pp 355–362 in Beesley PL, Ross GJB & Wells A (eds) Mollusca: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia. Vol. 5. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Part A xvi 563 pp.


Papers in Scientific Meetings:

Author's name, Year. Paper title. Main Papers / Papers. Submitted at the Scientific Meeting Name, Place and Date of Implementation.

Bengen DG, 2009. The importance of mollusk resources in supporting food security and driving the fisheries economy. Main Papers. Presented at the 2nd National Seminar on Molluscs, Bogor 11-12 February 2009.


Bachelor's Thesis/Thesis/Dissertation: (However, it is recommended to use the results that have been published in scientific journals)

Author's name, Year. Title of Thesis/Thesis/Dissertation. Bachelor's Thesis/Thesis/Dissertation. Not Published. Place: Name of institution.

Mirayanti JD, 2010. Pemanfaatan Limbah Blotong dan Pasir Untuk Memperbaiki Struktur Fisik Dan Kimia Lumpur lapindo. Skripsi. Tidak Dipublikasikan. Surabaya: Universitas Negeri Surabaya.


Online Articles:

Author's name, Year. Article title. Website Address. Accessed at (instert date).

NIMPIS, 2002. Theora lubrica species summary. National Introduced Marine Pest Information System (Eds: Hewitt CL, Martin RB, Sliwa C, McEnnulty FR, Murphy NE, Jones T, Cooper S.) Web publication Diunduh tanggal 13 April 2010.

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