
  • Ismono Ismono Department of Chemistry of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Surabaya State University
  • Suyatno Suyatno Department of Chemistry of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Surabaya State University
  • Tukiran Tukiran Department of Chemistry of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Surabaya State University



high-order thinking skills, concept map, inquiry strategy


This study is a research and development of teaching materials of concept map-based on inquiry strategy with the aim of testing the feasibility of the device through three indicators, namely: (a) the validity, (b) the effectiveness, and (c) the practicality. The subjects used in this study are three experts namely 2 professors and 1 doctor, and 24 students of chemical education class who take college organic chemistry 1.  Research carried out for four weeks. The results showed that the teaching material to developed: (1) to have the validity of the theory with good category; (2) has practicality in learning; (3) has the effectiveness, because  capable of improving learning achievement and higher level thinking skills shown by the increasing score gain in the category of medium  or high.

Author Biographies

Ismono Ismono, Department of Chemistry of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Surabaya State University

Department of Chemistry of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Surabaya State University


Suyatno Suyatno, Department of Chemistry of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Surabaya State University

Department of Chemistry of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Surabaya State University


Tukiran Tukiran, Department of Chemistry of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Surabaya State University

Department of Chemistry of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Surabaya State University



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