Vol. 14 No. 2 (2022)
BISMA (Bisnis dan Manajemen) Volume 14 Issue 2 April 2022 has been available online since April 2022. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles) include Authors from 4 countries of origin (Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and UK).
Hospitality and tourism innovation: a systematic literature review
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26740/bisma.v14n2.p94-109
Abstract views: 988 ,
PDF downloads: 1188
Improving company value: the role of human capital, structural capital, capital employed, investment decisions, and manager's attitude to risk
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26740/bisma.v14n2.p110-123
Abstract views: 821 ,
PDF downloads: 812
Technology assessment in patent search engine: An effort for reading invention opportunities and product innovation
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26740/bisma.v14n2.p124-143
Abstract views: 277 ,
PDF downloads: 707
Indonesian consumers’ emotional and psychological factors in the nexus of fear of missing out (FOMO)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26740/bisma.v14n2.p144-159
Abstract views: 2485 ,
PDF downloads: 2119
The role of technology acceptance model factors on purchase intention in e-commerce
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26740/bisma.v14n2.p160-176
Abstract views: 1376 ,
PDF downloads: 1982
The innovation of sustainable business model in eco-edutourism: a way for creating society 5.0
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26740/bisma.v14n2.p177-191
Abstract views: 853 ,
PDF downloads: 953