About the Journal

Metaverse: Journal of Mathematics Teacher Professional Development

Journal title Metaverse: Journal of Mathematics Teacher Professional Development
Initials Metaverse
Abbreviation Metaverse J. Math. Teach. Prof. Dev.
Frequency 2 issues per year (May and November)
DOI 10.26740/
Review process Double blind
Online ISSN  
Editor-in-chief Rooselyna Ekawati
Publisher Mathematics Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Citation Analysis  

The aim of Metaverse: Journal of Mathematics Teacher Professional Development Research is to disseminate innovative empirical studies, theoretical insights, and practical strategies for enhancing teaching knowledge and professional development growth from various countries. This journal is dedicated to research that enhances the education of mathematics teachers and mathematics teaching.
Focus & Scope
This journal focuses on research in the fields of professional development initiatives for mathematics teachers and teacher educators at every level of their career, emphasising ongoing growth and learning.
The whole scope of research in mathematics teacher professional development are welcome, which includes, but is not limited to the following topics:
1. Pedagogical Content Knowledge
3. Teacher Professional Development (Include: Professional Development Initiative for Educator; the Impact of Institutional, Societal, and Cultural Factors on Mathematics Teaching and Teacher Learning)
4. Integration Technology in Mathematics Teacher Education
Frequency for publication: twice a year (May and November)