Analysis of Understorey Vegetation in The Gondoriyo Teak Forest Semarang City
Microstegium vimineum, Poaceae, quadrat sampling, species distributionAbstract
The Gondoriyo Teak Forest was a production forest owned by Perhutani KPH Kendal. To maintain the productivity and sustainability of the teak forest, the condition of the understorey plant community also needed attention. This research aimed to identify the dominant understorey plant species and the diversity index (H') of the understorey plants in the Gondoriyo Teak Forest. The understorey vegetation analysis research was conducted in the Jati Gondoriyo Forest area in Semarang City from June 8-10, 2023. The method used was quadrat sampling with 5 m × 5 m quadrats placed systematically. A total of 3 square plots were set up in a zigzag pattern beneath the golden teak stands. The identification results found 20 species of understorey plants from 15 families. The plant species with the highest density, frequency, INP, and SDR was Microstegium vimineum. The total diversity index (H’) for the understorey plants was 1.74. This indicated that the level of understorey plant community diversity was still at a moderate level.
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