Biodiversity and Phylogenetic of Annonaceae using Phenetic Methods in Purwodadi Botanical Garden


  • Hamidah Hamidah FST Unair
  • Putri Akustia Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Airlangga
  • Junairiah Junairiah Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Airlangga



biodiversity, phylogenetic, similarity index, characters


Annonaceae is one of the biggest families of Angiosperms with habitus varies ranging from trees, liana, or bushes. This study aimed to determine the morphological diversity of several genus from the Annonaceae family, the phylogenetic between several species of the Annonaceae family using morphological characters, and the morphological characters affecting the grouping of several species of the Annonaceae family studied. Data obtained from descriptive analysis was diversity of morphological characteristics between several genus from the Annonaceae family; genus Annona, Polyalthia, Artabotrys, Desmos, Uvaria, and Pseuduvaria. The results of the analysis of kinship using SPSS  program found that the difference in morphology between 6 species. The relationship between several species of the Annonaceae family in terms of morphological and dendrogram characters produced two main groups; group A consisting of Mitrephora polyprena, Stelechocarpus burahol, Orophea enneandra, and Polyalthia bullate with 73.2% similarity index, while group B consisted of Annona muricata which was closer to Milusa horsfieldii with 59.3% similarity index. The characters affecting grouping between species of Annonaceae family were stem characters (stem surface, stem surface carving, stem color), leaf characters (leaf length, leaf wake and the surface of the petiolus), and flower characters (flower sex and sitting flowers).


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How to Cite

Hamidah, H., Akustia, P., & Junairiah, J. (2024). Biodiversity and Phylogenetic of Annonaceae using Phenetic Methods in Purwodadi Botanical Garden. LenteraBio : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi, 13(1), 176–183.
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