Plankton Diversity at Telaga Biru, District Turi, Lamongan
freshwater, pollution, Shannon–Wiener indexAbstract
Telaga Biru is a natural lake located in Balun Village, Turi District, Lamongan. The lake is located in the middle of the village settlement. The local community uses the lake water as a source of HIPAM (Himpunan Masyarakat Pemakai Air Minum) flow. The purpose of this study was to analyze the diversity of plankton in Telaga Biru, Turi District, Lamongan. Plankton sampling was carried out at 3 stations. Sampling of each station was taken from each three sub-station points, and each sampling point was made 3 times a repetition. Plankton sampling using a plankton net with a size of 200 mesh. Samples obtained were identified to species using a microscope. Identification of plankton species based on morphological characters. The plankton data obtained were calculated using the plankton diversity index formula by Shannon-Wienner. The results showed that the plankton diversity index in Telaga Biru was classified as moderate, with 2.475. There were 14 species of phytoplankton and 2 species of zooplankton. The species of phytoplankton found are Aulacoseira sp, Merismopedia sp, Stephanodiscus sp, Cyclotella sp, Cocconeis sp, Cymatopleura sp, Ankistrodesmus sp, Pinnularia sp, Pleurosigma sp, Microcytis sp, Asterionella sp, Gomphonema sp, Ropalodia sp, and Stigeoclonium sp. In comparison, the genus of zooplankton found are Brachionus sp and Amphileura sp. Moderate plankton diversity has a positive impact on the environment, especially the dissolved oxygen (DO) parameter.
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