Effect of Noni Leaf Extract (Morinda Citrifolia L.) on Hemoglobin Levels and Liver Histopathology of Diabetic Mice
noni leaves, diabetes, hemoglobin, histopathology, liverAbstract
Abstract. Diabetes mellitus can cause premature lysis of erythrocytes, resulting in an increase in oxidative stress that can reduce hemoglobin levels and cause liver damage. Noni leaves contain flavonoid that have potential as antioxidants and antidiabetics. This study aims to determine the effect of noni leaf extract on hemoglobin levels and liver histopathology of mice induced by alloxan 130 mg/kg BW. This experimental study used a completely randomized design (CRD). Twenty-four male mice divided into 6 treatment groups, D1 (250 mg/kg BW), D2 (500 mg/kg BW), D3 (750 mg/kg BW), Glibenclamide, Positive Control, and Normal Control, with 4 repetitions for 14 days. Liver slides were made with Hematoxin-Eosin (HE) staining and observed 5 visual fields. Data on hemoglobin levels were analyzed by ANOVA test, followed by Duncan's test. The score data of the liver preparations were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by the Mann-Whitney test. The statistical analysis showed a significant effect on hemoglobin levels after 14 days of treatment (P<0.05). Liver histopathological preparations also showed significant differences compared to the positive control group and dose 3 (P<0.05). Based on the results study, it can concluded that noni leaf extract affect hemoglobin levels and liver histopathology of mice with the optimum dose of D1 (250 mg/kg BW).
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