New Manuscript Template for Volume 7 Number 2 (April 2024)

For the purpose of speeding up the review, editing, and production process, the Editor hopes that the writer follows the template from Jurnal Riset Pendidikan dan Inovasi Pembelajaran Matematika (JRPIPM), as follows:


The manuscript is written in Times New Roman font, adjustable font size, A4 size paper with "Normal" margins. In the manuscript, try to fit the width of the table in full a page (setting one column), as well as images.

In writing a bibliography, please use a reference manager, such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote. Citation and bibliography are written in the APA format which has at least 6 references for each keyword in the title. The minimum number of references used is 25 and 80% of them come from international journals.

JRPIPM does not allow articles written by 1 author. This rule have been applicable since 2023 (Vol. 1). There's no numbering in the manuscript.



Title is written with clear and concise sentences, consisting of no more than 18 words. Titles are written with the type Capitalize Each Word except for conjunctions in-, for-, and, the similar phrases. Title are placed in the middle, single space, Times New Roman font size 18, in bold. For foreign words, the writing is italicized.

Name of authors are written in (maximum) three words, without academic title.


The abstract begins with a sentence that describes the GAP of your research. Next, the abstract is continued with research objectives, research methods, results, and conclusions. At the end of the abstract, the implications of this research need to be stated. The abstract is written briefly in no more than 150 words for each Indonesian and English. Written in Corbel font size 10pt. Abstract in Bahasa is not necessary for an author from outside of Indonesia. Keywords are written after the abstract using English terms, consisting of 3-5 keywords. If you are author from abroad, ignore writing abstracts in Indonesian. You may leave the identity for blind review.


The introduction contains the research background (the story of the phenomena or critical paradigm of the study), theoretical framework, GAP of the study, and ended with a problem statement. The theoretical framework must be justified with the research results. The introduction should be able to explain the contribution of this research in the field. Further, please download the manuscript template for more detail information.

The research method is written concisely and clearly.

Results and Discussion; in the results section, the author is asked to describe the stages of research that exist in the method. If the research is development, then each stage of development is written down in the process and the results. It should also be linked to previous research. DISCUSSION must be able to relate to previous research, so that it will appear, whether this study reinforces previous research or find new things that are different.

Conclusions are written in 1 paragraph. Acknowledgments are written after the conclusion, before the bibliography.

Bibliography is written in APA format, at least 15 references from journals. Each of the keywords in the title, there are 6 references at least.

You are allowed to add attachments. Attachments in the form of images that are large enough (student work or research results tables) are placed after the bibliography in 1 column format. The appendix must be cited in the article.