Kepribadian Atlet: Tinjauan Teoritis Dari Persepektif Psikodinamis
personality, sports, psychodynamicsAbstract
The purpose of this review is to conduct a review of representative studies of the athlete's personality from the perspective of personality structure, personality dynamics, personality development, personality measurement. The method we did was a literature review of several books and scientific journals on sports psychology. The conclusions from this literature review that psychodynamic perspectives contribute to the development of certain personality traits although the maturity aspect of children and adolescents is also involved in the experience of the athlete itself, in contrast to athletes who already have a personality that can maintain a personality pattern seen in terms of psychodynamic distant more regularly from time to time. Suggestions: There are relevant aspects that we need to improve in future studies, which further determine the formation of the research sample. As noted in this study, the words "personality" and "sport" have been defined as criteria for search and study that include samples of athletes selected.References
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Ebstrup, J., Aadahl, M.; Eplov, Lene F.
Algaard, M., Pisinger, C. y Jorgensen, T. (2013). Cross-Sectional Associations Between the Five Factor Personality Traits and Leisure-
Time Sitting-Time: The Effect of General Self-Efficacy. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 10 (4), 572-578.
Ebstrub, J., Eplov, L., Psinger, C. y Jorensen, T.
(2011). Association between the Five Factor personality traits and perceived stress: is the effect mediated by general self-efficacy? Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 24 (4), 407-412.
Elman, W. y McKelvie, S. (2003). Narcissism
in football players: Stereotype o reality. Athletic Insight (On-Line), 5. ExtraÃdo el 23 de Enero de 2012 de
Esposito, G. y Consiglio, S. (1998). Intervente
diagnostici in psicologÃa dello sport: profilo di personalista degli studenti ISEF. Movimento, 4, 201-204.
Eysenck, H.J. (1985). The biological basis of
personality. Springfield, IL: Charles C.
Thomas. Eysenck, H.J., Nias, D. y Cox (1982). Sport and personality. Advances in behaviour research and therapy, 4, 1-56.
Feist, Jess and Gregory J. Feist. 2010. Teori
Kepribadian. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika. Fenández, J.L., Fernández, I., y Mielgo, M. (1999). PY-BTPD-S. BaterÃa de tests psicológicos para deportistas-Salamanca. Madrid. Psymtéc.
GarcÃa-Naveira, A. (2004). Diferencias
individuales en jugadores de fútbol a través del tiempo: Estilo de Personalidad y motivación. Memoria de Licenciatura. Departamento de PsicologÃa Diferencial. Facultad de PsicologÃa. Universidad de Complutense de Madrid.
GarcÃa-Naveira, A. (2008). El Estilo de
Personalidad en jugadores de fútbol de competición y diferencias en función de la demarcación. Cuadernos de PsicologÃa del Deporte, 8 (2), 19-38.
GarcÃa-Naveira, A. (2010). Diferencias
individuales en Estilos de Personalidad y rendimiento en deportistas. Tesis Doctoral. Facultad de PsicologÃa. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Extraido el 10 de marzo de 2011 de
GarcÃa-Naveira, A., Ruiz, R. y Pujals, C. (2011).
Diferencias en personalidad en función de la práctica o no deportiva, nivel de competición y categorÃa por edad en jugadores de
fútbol desde el modelo de Costa y McCrae. Revista de PsicologÃa del Deporte, 20 (1), 29-44.
Garland, D. J. y Barry, J. R. (1988). The effects
of personality and perceived leader behaviors on performance in collegiate football. Psychological Record, 38, 237-247.
Giacobbi, P R., Hausenblas, H. A. y Frye, N.
(2005). A naturalistic assessment of the relationship between personality, daily life events, leisure-time exercise and mood. Psychology Sport Exercise, 6, 67-81.
Green, C. D. (2003). Psychology strikes out:
Coleman R. Griffith and the Chicago Cubs. Histrory of Psychology, 6 (3), 267-283.
Gregory J Boyle, G. M. (2008). The SAGE
Handbook of personality and assesment personality Theorie.
Guillén, F. y Castro, J. (1994). Comparación de
la personalidad en deportistas y no deportistas, utilizando como instrumento el EPQ-A de Eysenk. Revista de PsicologÃa
del Deporte, 5, 5-14.
Hausenblas, H. A. y Giacobbi, P. R. (2004).
Relationship between exercise dependence symptoms and personality. Personality Individual Differences, 36, 1265-73.
Herrera, A. y Gómez-Amor, J. (1996).
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How to Cite
permadi, agung wahyu. (2018). Kepribadian Atlet: Tinjauan Teoritis Dari Persepektif Psikodinamis. JOSSAE (Journal of Sport Science and Education), 3(1), 22–30.