https://doi.org/10.26740/jcms.v8n2.p65-80Kata Kunci:
Adil, Covid-19, Bantuan Langsung TunaiAbstrak
In early 2020, a new virus called Covid emerged that became a worldwide epidemic. The Covid-19 pandemic suppressed the national economy at all economic levels, including the economy in rural areas. In response, the government issued a policy on the Priority Use of Village Funds in 2020 by distributing Village Fund Cash Assistance (BLT DD) to poor people affected by Covid. This reasearch aims to describe the views of the Trosobo community on justice in the distribution of BLT-DD and the utilization of this assistance by recipients. This research is examined using Aristotle's theory of justice which emphasizes the theory of balance or proportion. In this case, Aristotle emphasized that justice is a granting of equal rights in accordance with proportional rights, not seen as an equality. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive design. The data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation. The research informants were determined using purposive sampling totaling five people. The results revealed that in the view of the Trosobo community, fairness was easy to access information on BLT DD recipients, there was a community forum to communicate the distribution of BLT DD, the quota of BLT DD recipients was increased, and there was a call center as a forum for complaints. Meanwhile, the assistance was utilized by the recipients to buy basic needs, buy Eid clothes, transport to the hospital and pay debts. The meaning of justice in the context of BLT DD distribution for the Trosobo community is different from what Aristotle expressed where Aristotle revealed that the same things are treated equally, and those that are not the same are also treated unequally, proportionally.
Keywords: Trosobo, fairness, Village Fund Cash Assistance.
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