Peer Review Process

Every article submitted to International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies - IJCIS must comply with the provisions of the Double Blind Peer Review. This predetermined review mechanism is used to maintain quality standards and ensure the credibility of the articles. The editor's decision is final, and no objections can be made regarding manuscripts deemed unsuitable for publication in IJCIS. All correspondence, including notices of the editor's decision and requests for revisions, will be sent via email or the OJS website.
每一篇投稿到International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies - IJCIS / 国际汉语跨学科研究期刊 - IJCIS的文章都必须符合双盲同行评审的规定。这种预先确定的审稿机制用于维护质量标准并确保文章的可信度。编辑的决定是最终的,对于被认为不适合在IJCIS中发表的稿件,不得提出异议。所有通信,包括编辑的决定通知和修订请求,都将通过电子邮件或OJS网站发送。