About the Journal

International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies - IJCIS is a scientific research journal published by the Department of Mandarin Education, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (State University of Surabaya) since 2023. This journal uses the double-blind peer review mechanism and publishes research results in the fields of Education, Chinese Linguistics (SYNOLOGY), Chinese Literature, and Culture. IJCIS accepts articles written in English, Mandarin, and Indonesian, using qualitative, quantitative, or a combination of both research methods from academics, practitioners, researchers, and students. To ensure the quality of the published articles, IJCISinvites experts with appropriate expertise to review the submitted articles. The goal of IJCIS is to disseminate writings in this field that contribute to the development of science. Accepted articles are selected based on their superior scientific studies, up-to-date and essential knowledge, and ability to provide insights for the community.
We accept submissions from all over the world. The coverage of research includes Applied Linguistics (Syntax and Morphology; Phonetics and Phonology; Second Language Acquisitions; Language Learning, Teaching, and Assessment; and Academic Writing). The coverage of literature includes the analysis of novels, films, and dramas using relevant theories and concepts. Our Editorial Board members are prominent and active international researchers in the fields of Chinese language, education, culture, and literature. They ensure an efficient, fair, and constructive peer-review process.

International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies - IJCIS / 国际汉语跨学科研究期刊 - IJCIS是由印尼苏拉威西国立大学语言艺术学院的华语教育系于2023年出版的一本科研期刊。该期刊采用双盲同行评审机制,发布教育、中国语言学(语法学)、中国文学和文化领域的研究成果。IJCIS 接受用定性、定量或三种方法结合的英文,中文,印尼语撰写的学术、从业人员、研究人员和学生的文章。为确保所发表文章的质量,IJCIS 邀请具有相关专业知识的专家对所提交的文章进行审稿。IJCIS 的目标是传播对此领域有所贡献的科学著作。文章被选中的标准包括其卓越的科学研究、最新和必要的知识以及为社区提供见解的能力。
