About the Journal

GRAB KIDS: Journal of Special Education Need is a scientific periodical journal published by Universitas Negeri Surabaya. GRAB KIDS: Journal of Special Education Need is published twice a year, every January and July. GRAB KIDS contains scientific articles on the study of education for children/people with special needs. Articles can be in the form of scientific research articles or scientific articles of thought.

Grab Kids welcomes contributions from academics, scientists, and professionals in the discipline of education for people with SEN for publication. Articles that will be published will go through a process of manuscript selection, review by independent reviewers, and editing.


Journal Title  : GRAB KIDS: Journal of Special Education Need       

ISSN               : 2776-8767

DOI Prefix     : 10.26740/gkjsen

Editor in Chief: Khofidotur Rofiah, PhD Cand.

Publisher       : Univeristas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia      

Frequency     : January and July 

Citation Analysis : Google Scholar      



Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025): Enhancing Independence, Inclusion, and Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities: Education, Vocational Skills, and Societal Participation
					View Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025): Enhancing Independence, Inclusion, and Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities: Education, Vocational Skills, and Societal Participation

This issue explores various approaches to enhancing the independence, inclusion, and accessibility of individuals with disabilities. It covers the role of parenting and educational media in fostering self-building skills, the development of vocational assessment tools and training resources, accessibility challenges in electoral participation, therapeutic interventions for motor skill development, and the impact of parental support in autism therapy. Through these studies, the issue aims to contribute to more effective educational, vocational, and societal inclusion strategies for people with disabilities.

Published: 2025-01-31


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