The Effect of Water Stress and Silica Concentration in LOF On The Growth of Mustard Greens (Brassica juncea L.)
Nutrient, Drought, Liquid Organic Fertilizer, SilicaAbstract
Productivity improvements are required, among them is utilizing dry land with limited water and low nutrients by applying silica-liquid organic fertilizer (LOF). This study aimed to determine nutrient quality of banana peels-water hyacinth LOF and the effect of water stress, silica concentrations in LOF, and its interaction on mustard’s growth. This study divided into two stages. Stage I, descriptive research by making LOF and analyzing the nutrient. Stage II, experimental research by implementing LOF-Si on mustard under various water stress levels. The study used two factors-randomized block design (RBD), silica concentration ([0, 1, 2] gram/L) and water stress levels ([75%, 50%, 25%] field capacity). LOF's nutrient were analyzed descriptively, while mustard's growth were analyzed using two-way ANOVA followed by Duncan test. Results showed that LOF contained 1.24% N, 1.03% P, 1.22% K, and C/N ratio of 10. Water stress significantly affected biomass, root length, stomatal density, chlorophyll content, and relative water content. Silica concentration significantly affected all parameters except leaf number. Interaction between water stress level and silica concentration had a significant effect on biomass (20.67 grams), root length (14.53 cm), stomatal density (314.07/mm2), and clorophyll content (21.865 mg/L). Highest result obtained in 2 gram/L silica at 75% feld capacity.
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