This research is motivated by the lack of public awareness of environmental issues, resulting in
a lot of damage to the earth. This is based on early character cultivation for environmental love
that has not been cultivated in society. This study aims to describe the value of environmental
ethics in the anthology of short stories of Lovers who are Afraid of Worms initiated by Reni Erina.
The approach used in this research is qualitative approach. This research uses analytical
descriptive method. The theory used is the theory of environmental ethics. The data collection
technique is through listening and recording techniques, by reading carefully the short story and
recording quotations with natural elements. The result of the research shows that there are
environmental ethics values in the twelve short stories in the anthology, namely respect for nature,
responsibility for nature, solidarity with nature, love and care for nature, living simply and in
harmony with nature, no harm, democratic, and fair to nature. The value of environmental ethics
in this research can be relevant to Indonesian language learning as a form of character education.