Accounting Information System Management, Business Processes, and The Quality of Financial Reports Mechanism


  • Ayu Almas Assyarofi Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
  • Luluk Muhimatul Ifada Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung


Business Processes, Financial Report Quality, AIS Management


This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of business processes on the quality of financial reports through the mediation of the Accounting Information System (AIS). The data used in this study are primary data obtained from the responses of respondents to questionnaires sent to managers and accounting and finance staff in vocational education in Tegal. The data analysis method used is descriptive-verification with a quantitative approach. Data were processed using SmartPLS software version The results of the study indicate that business processes have a significant positive influence on AIS management. AIS management has a significant positive influence on the quality of financial reports, while business processes have a direct significant positive influence on the quality of financial reports. AIS has been proven to be able to mediate the influence of business processes on the quality of financial reports.


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How to Cite

Assyarofi, A. A. ., & Ifada, L. M. (2024). Accounting Information System Management, Business Processes, and The Quality of Financial Reports Mechanism. AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi, 15(2). Retrieved from
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