Forthcoming Articles
Forthcoming articles have been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication but are pending final changes, are not yet published and may not appear here in their final order of publication until they are assigned to issues. Therefore, the content conforms to our standards but the presentation (e.g. typesetting and proof-reading) is not necessarily up to the Akrual standard. Additionally, titles, authors, abstracts and keywords may change before publication. Articles will not be published until the final proofs are validated by their authors.
AKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi's Forthcoming Articles :
1. From Counting Wars to Accounting for Peace: Implications for Economic Growth in Nigeria
2. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Report in Indonesia: Systematic Literature Review Approach
3. Dynamic Capabilities and Hospital Performance: Study of Perception of NU Hospital Directors in East Java
4. Tunneling Control and Good Corporate Governance to Improve State-Owned Enterprises Performance
5. Does Board Gender Diversity Affect Accounting Conservatism And Financial Performance?
6. Determinants of the Reliability of SKPD Financial Statements
7. Web-Based Non-Profit Organization Accounting Information System Reconstruction
8. Dividend Policy during The Financial Crisis: Is Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance Important?
9. Do Earnings Management and Audit Committee have an effect on the firm Value?