Analysis of Madrasah Aliyah Students' Errors on Exponent Materials in View of Students' Mathematical Ability Levels
Conceptual Error, Language Interpretation Error, Technical Error, Math Proficiency Level, ExponentAbstract
Errors in solving math problems are often found in the steps of answering math problems by students. These errors can have an impact on the final results of students' answers. For this reason, researchers conducted research on the mistakes that are often made by students in answering math problems in terms of students' mathematical ability level. This research used descriptive qualitative research methods. The subjects in this study were class X students at MA Abu Amr Paserpan totaling 29 students. Furthermore, researchers only took 6 students to be interviewed. Data collection in this study was carried out by means of observation, test questions, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the types of errors made by students when answering mathematical problems on the material of operating power numbers (exponents) in class X MA Abu Amr Learning Year 2023/2024 consist of three errors, namely, concept errors of 52.29%, language interpretation errors of 48.85% and technical errors of 56.32% where the level of students' mathematical ability also affects the types of errors experienced by these students.
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