Internet of Educational Things (IoET): An Overview


  • Zahid Zufar At Thaariq Student of Cukurova University



Internet of Educational Things, Internet of Things, Digital Learning, Internet for Education, Education


The internet has caused a paradigm shift in education towards digitalization, so that students who experience it are now referred to as digital natives. This technology has changed the orientation of learning and teaching from teacher-centered to student-centered. Specific discussion is needed regarding the use of the internet modified in such a way in learning. Internet of Educational Things (IoET) becomes an interesting discussion in this article to support the paradigm shift. This article discusses using a narrative review approach. This means that this preparation tends to be reflective and in accordance with the author's understanding. The discussion includes (1) the paradigm shift from conventional to internet-assisted digital, (2) IoET as a digital-based instructional system approach and (3) related findings. Future recommendations will be presented, especially regarding the use of IoET in the education system.


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How to Cite

Z. Z. A. Thaariq, “Internet of Educational Things (IoET): An Overview”, Vokasi Unesa Bull. Eng. Technol. Appl. Sci., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 91–102, Dec. 2024.



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