The Effect of Giving Ecoenzyme as Liquid Organic Fertilizer on the Growth of Pakcoy Mustard Plant (Brassica rapa L.)


  • Rana Kamila Salsabila Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Winarsih Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Ecoenzymes are solutions of fermented organic waste in the form of fruit peels with brown sugar and water that can be used as organic fertilizer. The pakcoy plant is vegetable whose production can’t be separated from the use of inorganic fertilizers. This aim of the study was to describe the quality of nutrient content of N, P, K in ecoenzymes and to determine the effect and the best concentration of ecoenzymes on the growth of pakcoy. This research method used one-factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) that was the concentration of ecoenzymes as liquid organic fertilizers with 5 treatments and 5 repetitions, including E0 (0 ml/L water); E1 (2,5 ml/L water); E2 (5 ml/L water); E3 (7,5 ml/L water); dan E4 (10 ml/L water). The observed variables were plant height, number of leaves, root length, and wet biomass of pakcoy plants. The results of the data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, then continued by Duncan’s test at the 5% level. The results showed that the nutrients content of N, P, and K in ecoenzymes included in very low criteria, namely N = 0.07%; P = 0.04%; and K = 0.004%. The application of ecoenzymes as liquid organic fertilizer from various concentrations gave significant results on the plant growth, including plant height, number of leaves, root length, and wet biomass of pakcoy plants. The most optimal concentration that affects the growth of pakcoy plants is 10 ml/L which comes from E4 treatment.



How to Cite

Salsabila, R. K., & Winarsih. (2023). The Effect of Giving Ecoenzyme as Liquid Organic Fertilizer on the Growth of Pakcoy Mustard Plant (Brassica rapa L.). LenteraBio : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi , 12(1), 50–59.
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