Editorial Policies
Peer Review Process
All articles that publish on Otopro will be selected, read and reviewed in a closed (single-blind peer review) by Reviewers who is an expert in his field. The author does not know who the reviewers is, but the reviewers knows who the author is. Acceptance of the article depends on the correctness of the content, the degree of originality, clarity of description, and compliance with the journal's objectives.
Articles can be accepted without revisions, accepted with minor revisions, accepted with major revisions, or rejected. The results of article reviews by reviewers will be notified to the author via email. The author is given the opportunity to revise his article in accordance with the recommendations of reviewers (and editors) no later than 8 weeks after email notification.
To prevent plagiarism, all articles submitted will be authenticated by using turnitin and / or iThenticate anti-plagiarism software.
The entire peer review process until the publication of articles is free of charge (no article processing and submission charges). All articles published on Otopro are open access following the Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. The full license can be seen here.
Publication Frequency
Otopro Journal is published twice a year, namely May and November by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, FT-UNESA, as a media of information and a forum for the study of Mechanical Engineering issues. Otopro journals are published periodically (twice a year) with a minimum of 5 articles each time.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Reference Management
All articles submitted to the Otopro Journal must use reference management software such as Mendeley, or EndNote, or Zotero with IEEE citation style.
Plagiarism policy
All articles sent to the Otopro journal must be the original work of an author who is free of plagiarism from any party. The level of similarity index is less than 20%. The article sent has never been published in any media and / or is not currently being or will be submitted for publication in any media. The author is fully responsible for the authenticity of the text sent. All forms of severe plagiarism violations will be banned by the author related to sending articles in the Otopro Journal for 3 years.
Print Version
Authors and readers can order printed versions of Otopro by filling out the following form and emailing Otopro (jurnalotopro@unesa.ac.id). The print cost of PER copies is Rp 100,000.00 (not including postage).
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