About the Journal |
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Kronik Journal Team |
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Screening and Anti-Plagiarism |
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KRONIK: The Journal of History Education and Historiography is published by the History Education Department, Faculty of Social and Politics Sciences collaborated with Masyarakat Sejarawan Indonesia (MSI) dan Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia (IAAI). Kronik was first published in 2017. Our journal invites experts, including lecturers, researchers, or students, to be willing to write their ideas. Moreover, we are targeting readers who are interested in the study of history education and historiography in local, national, and global scope. Kronik Journal is published in 2 volumes for one year (every June and December) and written in Indonesian or English. Kronik encourages systematic study and research in historical and historical education. The Journal operates a peer review process and promotes double-blind reviewing. The acceptance or rejection of articles will be decided by the editorial boards based on the review results supplied by the reviewers. There is no communication between authors and editors concerning the rejection decision. Authors whose papers are rejected will be informed of the reasons for the rejection. The Scope of the KRONIK journal is social and humanities, including history education, history, and archaeology. Moreover, we also accept articles that take an interdisciplinary approach in social and humanities science.