About the Journal

Journal of Education Technology and Information System (JETIS) is a academic international journal that features original, high-value articles across all aspects of education technology and information system area.

JETIS published twice a year, double blind peer-reviewed publication that concentrates on various aspects of Educational Technology, Information System in Education, Pedagogical Innovation, Student Engagement and Outcomes, Information Science and Digital Libraries, Policy and Management, Emerging Technologies and Information System.

JETIS mission is to be the leading journal in the field of information systems (IS) education. To achieve this, JETIS prioritizes high-quality and relevant papers. The journal also acknowledges the global influences on IS education and actively seeks international contributions in all areas, including authorship, reviewing, and membership on the Editorial Board. Please submit your manuscripts via the JETIS submission system at https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jetis/about/submissions