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Rendahnya tingkat berpikir kreatif siswa dalam mata pelajaran ekonomi menjadi alasan penelitian ini, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor determinasi berpikir kreatif. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas X Jurusan IIS SMA Nurul Amal Palembang. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner tentang self regulated learning dan resiliensi akademik belajar ekonomi, serta tes berbentuk essai terkait tingkat berpikir kreatif Ekonomi. Metode penelitian adalah survey dengan alat pengumpul data angket model rating scale dan analisis data menggunakan teknik regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self regulated learning dan resiliensi akademik menjadi determinan tingkat berpikir kreatif siswa dalam mata pelajaran ekonomi.
Kata Kunci: Self Regulated Learning, Resiliensi Akademik, dan Berpikir Kreatif
The low creative thinking skills of students in economics subjects is the reason for this study. So, this study aims to identify the determinants of creative thinking skills. The sample of the study were ninety subjects of social departements X grade students of SMA Nurul Amal in Palembang. The data were collected through self regulated learning and academic resilience questionnaires in learning economics and essay test which is related to creative thinking skills level data of economics. The data were analysed by using multiple linear regression techniques. The result shows that the self regulated learning and academic resilience became the determinants of student creative thinking skills in economics subject.
Keywords: Self Regulated Learning, Academic Resiience, and Creative Thinking
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