Pengaruh Environmental Awareness, Religiosity, dan Risk Aversion terhadap Minat Gen Z Surabaya dalam Berinvestasi Green Sukuk
Environmental awareness, Religiosity, Risk Aversion, Investment Interest, Green SukukAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of factors such as environmental awareness, religiosity, and risk aversion on the interest of gen Z Surabaya investors in investing green sukuk. The research method uses a quantitative approach with Structural Equation Model (SEM) data analysis. Purposive sampling technique was used to get 90 respondents through a questionnaire. The results of the study state that environmental awareness has no effect on Gen Z Surabaya's interest in investing green sukuk, while religiosity and risk aversion have a significant effect on investment interest. The implications of the results of this research will contribute to attracting more investors, especially Gen Z, to invest in green sukuk.
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