Representation of Lian Namang Music In The Besi Pare Ritual With An Ecofeminist Approach
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Music is a universal language that can penetrate space and time. However, traditional music requires semi-improvisation to adjust to environmental conditions. Lian Namang's music for the Lamaholot community is a traditional music that tells some of the life philosophies of the predecessor community. One type of Lian Namang music is used in the Lamaholot tradition to personify a feminine figure in the mythology of the goddess of rice. Lian Namang's musical lyrics in rice mythology require contextuality with the times. In connection with the phenomenology that occurs in the Lamaholot culture, that patriarchal culture becomes dominant in the domination of nature and women, it is necessary to hold contextual musical representations based on Lian Namang's music so that they can have a persuasive influence on the Lamaholot community in respecting women and nature as the womb of life. The results of the research are used as a medium to represent the ecofeminist movement, which aims to influence society in responding to patriarchal culture. Masculine representation is not only seen as a centre (androcentric) that dominates and uses a fragmented nature. The mukti trilila theory is one of the foundations that helps humans to continue to adapt their knowledge and skills to the times, so that the noble values of life are passed down from generation to generation.
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