Aesthetic Perception in The Experience of Javanese Gamelan Pengrawit
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Aesthetic perception is an individual's perspective on aesthetic objects. Javanese Gamelan as an aesthetic object for pengrawit certainly contains various values ??and ideas from the musicians themselves. Aesthetic perception in Russel Sharman's view is the imposition of value on experience. This paper attempts to explore the experience of the musicians in interpreting their experiences in contact with the Javanese Gamelan. The three subjects studied were Suwito Radyo, Sukisno, and Sito Mardowo. Data were collected by in-depth interviews, observations, and literature studies. The data obtained was analyzed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to reveal the truth behind the phenomena experienced by the subject. This study found four aspects that influence and shape the subject's aesthetic perception. The four aspects are: social aspect, personal aspect, musical aspect, and psychological aspect.
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