About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Proteksi is available for free (open access) to all readers. The articles in Proteksi include developments and researches in Civil Engineering (theoretical studies, experiments, and its applications), but are not necessarily restricted to:

  • Structures
  • Geotechnic and Earthquakes
  • Construction Management
  • Transportation
  • Highway and Railway 
  • Construction Materials
  • Water Resources 
  • Hydrology and Hydraulics
  • Environment
  • Surveying, Monitoring, and Control Systems
  • Health and Safety in Construction

Proteksi also provides a forum for expressing different viewpoints and the correction of misunderstanding regarding topics in published papers. Readers of the journal are earnestly invited to contribute their ideas to this forum. Contributions for the Comments and Criticism section should be relatively brief, normally two to four manuscript pages, written in Indonesian and English, and will be published as rapidly as possible. In addition, the journal regularly carries a Comments and Criticism section, which provides a forum for expressing different viewpoints, comments, and clarification of topics in published papers.

Peer Review Process

Each submitted manuscript is evaluated on the following basis:

  • the originality of its contribution to the field of scholarly publishing;
  • the soundness of its theory and methodology given the topics;
  • the coherence of its analysis;
  • its ability to communicate to the readers (grammar and style);

Normal turn-around for evaluation of manuscript is one to two months from the date of receipt.


Publication Frequency

Proteksi is published periodically (1 year 2 times in June and December) with 10 articles each time published (20 articles per year).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Guidelines for peer reviewers



Publication Ethics

Proteksi: Publikasi Riset Orientasi Teknik Sipil, published by Department of Civil Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya this journal follows the COPE. Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.


Proteksi is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against publication malpractice. Authors who submit papers to Register attest that their work is original and unpublished, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, authors confirm that their paper is their own; that it has not been copied or plagiarized, in whole or in part, from other works; and that they have disclosed actual or potential conflicts of interest with their work or partial benefits associated with it.


Proteksi is generously sponsored by the following organizations:


Sources of Support

We would like to thank the following organizations for their support:

  • Department of Civil Engineering - Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Journal History

Proteksi: Publikasi Riset Orientasi Teknik Sipil was established on January 1, 2019 with editor-in-chief Mr Dr. Gde Agus Yudha Prawira Adistana, 

On June 2019 the first published in volume 1 no. 1. with 5 article.

On November 25, 2019 After after the socialization of OJS journal management by Indonesian Journal Volunteers towards Proteksi, the template and cover was improved with 6 articles each time published (12 articles per year).

On January 1, 2022 After Proteksi rank SINTA 4 is based on the assessment from Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, Directorat Higher Education Science and Technology 2021 reward to Proteksi, the template and cover was improved with 9 articles each time published (18 articles per year).

On October 1, 2022 editor-in-chief Mr. R. Endro Wibisono,

On June 1, 2024 After Proteksi rank SINTA 4 is based on the assessment from Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, Directorat Higher Education Science and Technology 2024 reward to Proteksi, was improved with 15 articles each time published (30 articles per year).

The papers submission deadline is as follows:

April for Issue June | October for Issue December

All submitted papers will be double blind-reviewed by the qualified reviewers.