Morphogenetic Traits of Cats (Felis domesticus) in Surabaya Ketintang for Selective Breeding as Rodent’s Predator
Morphogenetic, Allele frequency, HeterozgosityAbstract
Domestic cat (Felis domesticus) is domestication product of cat that occurred in ancient Egypt as pet or barn guard. This research aims to estimate genetic diversity of cats who lives in Surabaya Ketintang based on morphogenetical caracters expressed by 10 loci such as A~a, B~b~b1, C~cb~cs~ca~c, D~d, I~i, L~l, S~s, T~Ta~tb, W~w, and O⁓o. Research data will be collected by road sampling technique and measured using square root and maximum likehood methods. Cats diversity were represented by the value of heterozygosity and average heterozygosity. 69 samples has been found around Ketintang. Mostly, the wild type has higher frequency than mutant type allele. Locus S⁓s have the highest value of heterozygosity (0.5034±0.0167). Statistical analysis from previous studies have shown that cat behavior and appearance are genetically related. According to the research that has been carried out, it can be estimated that cats who have the O⁓o locus, s allele, A allele, and T~Ta~tb locus are suitable for breeding cats as natural predator of rodents because cats with a combination of those loci tend to be more active, full of curiosity, aggressive towards its prey, in contrast they act calm towards human so they will not cause any harm.
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