Tentang Jurnal Ini

E-ISSN: 2580-1341 (Online Media)
P-ISSN2721-0383 (Printed)
Frequency: 2 Issues Per Year (April and October)
Status: Indexed by Garuda, Publons, Microsoft Academic, Dimensions, Sinta 2, Copernicus, Google Scholar, Etc.

The Journal of Society and Media published by  Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia cooperates (MoA) with Asosiasi Profesi Pendidik dan Peneliti Sosiologi Indonesia (AP3SI) and Asosiasi Program Studi Sosiologi Indonesia (APSSI) under the management of the Department of Social Sciences.

This journal, published twice a year, in April and October, covers broad topics that discuss the interrelationships of society and the media from multiple perspectives; Sociology, Communication Studies, community technology, Social Network Analysis Political Science, International Relations, and other Social Sciences written in English. 

The articles published may take the form of theoretical analyses, literature reviews, and research results.

The Journal of Society and Media has been accredited as a scientific journal by the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency (Indonesia): No.148/M/KPT/2020 with the 2-nd Grade Accreditation  (Sinta 2) Since Vol. 4 Issue 1 2020 (5 years) and records in Ristek-Brin

The articles of The Journal of Society and Media have been published in English since publication Vol, 3 Issue 2 (2019) with a new template. These days Just published Vol. 8 Issue 2 (October 2024).

Please submit your manuscript for the next publication 

Please check the Author Guidelines and send your manuscript HERE

Please Download the Template HERE



Terbitan Terkini

Vol 8 No 2 (2024): Media as Propaganda and Global Research

This issue (The Journal of Society and Media Volume 8 Issue 2 October 2024) has been available online since October 2024. All articles in this issue (14 original research articles) include Authors from 5 countries of origin (Indonesia, Nigeria, Malaysia, Philippines, and Ghana)

Diterbitkan: 2024-10-30


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