Cultural and Symbolic Capital in the Educational Aspirations of International School Students
Kata Kunci:
Cultural Capital, International Education, Symbolic CapitalAbstrak
This study examines how cultural and symbolic capital influence students' educational aspirations at international schools in Surabaya, Indonesia. The research investigates how family background, social networks, and the prestige associated with foreign degrees shape students’ decisions, focusing on the increasing trend of students pursuing higher education abroad. Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu's cultural and symbolic capital theories, the study finds that students with access to these capitals, often from higher socioeconomic backgrounds, are more likely to choose international universities. The study also highlights the symbolic value of international education, which enhances career opportunities and social status. Data was collected through qualitative methods, including interviews with students, parents, and teachers, revealing the significance of the school environment in fostering global perspectives. This qualitative research contributes to an in-depth understanding of how the interplay between local cultural contexts and global aspirations shapes educational choices. It also opens avenues for further research on the educational inequalities within globalized contexts.
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