Tourism Village Management Requires Good Tourism Governance: Study in the Kampung Lampion Code 18 Yogyakarta area


  • Galih Wahyu Pradana Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Zarkasyi Universitas Diponegoro
  • Hafids Haryono Universitas Negeri Surabaya



good tourism governance, tourism village, Kampung Lampion Code 18


The objective of this research is to fully understand the use of the Good Tourism Governance principles in the management of the tourist villages of the Kampung Lampion Code 18 in Yogyakarta. There was a negative perception of settlements around the Code river, Yogyakarta. They were considered to cause river water pollution, narrowing of rivers, sedimentation and flooding. Then, the community changed that perception. Together with the Non-Governmental Organization the Center for Civic Engagement & Studies and assisted by several university students, they turned the area into a tourist spot with the name Kampung Lampion Code 18. This is qualitative research with a descriptive method. Data analysis was applied at both the first step (data processing) and the second step (interpretation). The study results indicate that the management of Kampung Lampion Code 18 has tried to apply the principles of good tourism governance. However, its implementation has not been effective. Stakeholder synergy has not been realized, training programs have not been sustainable, the benefits of tourism have not been widely felt, have not encouraged local ownership, and promotion is still minimal. The limitations of this study are that it relies heavily on the researcher's interpretation of the interview data; therefore, the possibility of bias persists. However, this study suggests the need for Good Tourism Governance Principles if the village wants to compete as an alternative tourism destination.



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami secara mendalam penerapan prinsip Good Tourism Governance dalam pengelolaan kampung wisata di kawasan Kampung Lampion Code 18 Kota Yogyakarta. Berawal dari keberadaan permukiman di sekitar sungai Code yang dianggap membawa dampak negative seperti pencemaran air sungai, penyempitan badan sungai, serta erosi, dan sedimentasi yang menyebabkan banjir. Kemudian, masyarakat sekitar sungai Code merubah persepsi tersebut. Bersama dengan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Center for Civic Engagement & Studies dan dibantu oleh beberapa mahasiswa dari berbagai perguruan tinggi, mengubah permukiman di bantaran sungai Code menjadi kawasan wisata dengan nama Kampung Lampion Code 18. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis data dilakukan dua tahap baik analisis pada langkah permulaan (pengolahan) maupun langkah lanjut (penafsiran). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prinsip good tourism governance dalam pengelolaan kampung wisata di kawasan Kampung Lampion Code 18 sudah diterapkan, namun penerapannya belum optimal. Hal tersebut terlihat dari sinergitas pemangku kepentingan belum sepenuhnya terwujud, program pelatihan belum berkelanjutan, manfaat wisata dan kemitraannya belum dirasakan secara luas, belum mendorong kepemilikan lokal, promosi masih minim dan berdiri sendiri-sendiri, serta pedoman monitoring dan evaluasi program masih sederhana. keterbatasan penelitian adalah subjektivitas peneliti. Studi ini sangat bergantung pada interpretasi peneliti tentang makna yang ditunjukkan dalam wawancara; oleh karena itu, kemungkinan bias tetap ada. Prinsip Good Tourism Governance tersebut perlu dioptimalkan apabila kampung wisata di kawasan Kampung Code Lampion 18 hendak dijadikan alternatif wisata yang berdaya saing.

Kata kunci: good tourism governance, kampung wisata, dan Kampung Lampion Code 18


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