This study investigated the necessity and feasibility of the establishment of state police system in the face of mounting challenges of human security in Nigeria. A cross-sectional research design and the probability sampling technique were adopted. The population for this study was derived from the records of the National Bureau of Statistics for the six states plus the Federal Capital Territory. A questionnaire was employed as the research instrument for this study with 1927 respondents deemed usable. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The socio-demographic characteristics were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while the hypotheses of the study were analyzed using inferential statistics of correlation and simple regression analysis with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 23.0. The results of the study revealed that police inefficiency positively and significantly influences human insecurity in Nigeria. Equally, the present security challenges in the country positively and significantly influences the clamour for state police in Nigeria. The structure of the Nigeria current police positively and significantly impacts on the ineffective police security service delivery in the country and the institution of state police positively and significantly influences improved security situation in Nigeria. The study concludes that the most important existential threats facing the Nigerian federal arrangement are the heightened insecurity and rising criminalities. While the federal government and the security institutions that it controls strive to address the security crisis, their efforts had not aligned with the Nigerians’ expectations. Thus, the study recommends among others that there is need to rejig security architecture in Nigeria through improved security budgets, communication equipments, better training and orientation as well as constitutional and political restructuring. The introduction of state police will go a long way in addressing or correcting Nigeria’s current security deficit.
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