The Indonesian Journal of Social Studies is a journal that contains interesting articles for all levels of education at various levels. The places that can be entered into the IJSS include: social studies, social sciences Education, human geography, history and interdisciplinary studies. This journal is very open to various new paradigms and research methods. The following articles will be issued for publication:
The Journal operates a peer review process and promotes blind reviewing. The acceptance or rejection of articles will be decided by the editorial boards based on the review results supplied by the reviewers. There are no communications between authors and editors concerning the rejection decision. Authors whose papers are rejected will be informed with the reasons of the rejection.
Article to be published will undergo a two-stage review process, the first is the Editor's Review and a double-blind review submitted to the reviewer. The author's identity will not be known to reviewers and vice versa. Reviewers will consider the feasibility of the article in terms of the appropriateness of the title, abstract, introduction, discussion, and conclusion. Reviewers also assess the originality, significances of the article and the quality of the references. The following are the stages of the review process,
1. Editor's Review
Manuscripts that have been received by the editor will go through an initial review process by the editor. The Editor will consider the following: 1) Suitability of Scope with IJSS; 2) Suitability of the Template; 3) Reference Quality; and 4) Plagiarism. The decision will be taken by the editor to "accept", reject "and "accept with revision ".
2) Author's Revision 1
The editor sends the decision of the manuscript to the author's review results. If the manuscript is "accepted with revision" then the author is required to make improvements in accordance with the advice of the editor. The author was given 2 weeks to complete the text revision. The revised manuscript was re-uploaded through the system.
3) Double Blind Review
After going through the editor review process. then the manuscript that has been received is continued for review by two reviewers. Reviewers are tasked with reviewing the contents of the manuscript. The reviewer has the right to assess and recommend matters that need to be corrected in each part of the manuscript. The reviewer can recommend to "accept", reject "and" accept with revision "the reviewed manuscript. The decision to publish the reviewed article remains in the hands of the editorial board.
4) Authors Revision 2
The editor sends the manuscript decision on the results of a double blind review to the author. If the manuscript is "accepted with revision" then the author is required to make improvements in accordance with the advice of the reviewer. The author is given 2-4 weeks to complete the revised manuscript. The revised manuscript was re-uploaded through the system.
5) Publishing
After the review process is complete, the articles that have been received will enter the editing and proofreading stages, to the layout settings.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The Indonesian Journal of Social Studies is a scientific journal published by Department of Social Studies, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. IJSS publishes original articles on the most recent knowledge, researchers, or applied researcher and other development in fields of Educational Research of Social Studies, Social Science Research and Interdiciplinarity Research in Social Sciences.
Duties of Authors
Duties of Editor
Duties of Reviewers
The Indonesian Journal of Social Studies does not charge any processing or publishing fees for every article published.
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission FREE: 0.00 (IDR)
Fast-Track Review FREE: 750.000 (IDR)
Article Publication FREE: 500.00 (IDR)
for payments by transfer to Bank BANK BTN account number 3770-1560-0074-36, please confirm with proof of payment via the admin's official email.
IJSS is published 4 times a year, in March, June, September, and December.
The manuscript sent to IJSS is recommended to use reference management applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote
Each published text is first carried out with Turnitin plagiarism checking or Plagiarism Checker X Level 5 software. The manuscript will be processed if the results of the scan plagiarism show results below 25%.
The Indonesian Journal of Social Studies (IJSS) was founded in 2018 in order to offer the disciplines in the field of Social Studies a representative scholarly publication. The journal represents a sophisticated image that is characterized by its theory and research orientation, interdisciplinary approach, internationalism, and originality as well as by a rigorous anonymous peer review. The Indonesian Journal of Social Studies is a journal published twice a year, namely in July and December. In order to provide space for a wider exchange of ideas due to the large number of quality articles submitted in this journal, starting in March 2023, IJSS will be published 4 times a year, namely in March, June, September, and December. IJSS published by the Social Studies Education Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya collaborating with the International Social Studies Association (ISSA) and APRIPSI. IJSS has e-ISSN 2615-5966. We are proud to say that The Indonesian Journal of Social Studies has been accredited (Rank 4) by the Ministry of Research Since 2021.
Publisher: Universitas Negeri Surabaya
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