

  • Merly Erlina Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Mistety Oktaviana Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Erdina Indrawati Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI Jakarta
  • RR. Dini Diah Nurhadianti Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI Jakarta



Creative Self-Efficacy, Creative Collective Efficacy, Creativity


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of creative collective efficacy on the effect of creative self-efficacy on the creativity of a class X student team at SMAN 12 Tangerang Banten. The number of subjects who became the research sample was 122 people. The research method used is a quantitative method. The data analysis technique used by researchers is multiple analysis techniques and indirect effect analysis. The results of the study show that creative self-efficacy influences team creativity. Creative collective efficacy also influences team creativity. The results of the indirect effect analysis show that creative collective efficacy mediates the effect of creative self-efficacy on team creativity in class X students of SMAN 12 Tangerang Banten with a significance value of 0.00000124 <0.005.


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How to Cite

Erlina, M., Oktaviana, M., Indrawati, E., & Diah Nurhadianti, R. D. (2024). COLLECTIVE CREATIVE EFFICACY AS A MEDIATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF CREATIVE SELF EFFICACY ON STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY: -. JP (Jurnal Pendidikan) : Teori Dan Praktik, 9(1), 10–16.
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