Author Guidelines
Ethic norms of publication
Ethical responsibilities of editors of a Journal of Mechanical and Energy System
- The corresponding author is a person selected by the author team without involving the editorial board. The editor is obliged to ensure that the manuscript is sent by the corresponding author selected by the author team. The editor can contact all author teams at any stage of the manuscript process including review and publication.
- The submitted manuscript does not have a conflict of interest. If according to the editor there is a conflict of interest, the editor will consider the conflict policy of the internal journal management.
- The editor has the right to consider the manuscript received according to the deadline given by the journal.
- The editor only assesses the scientific novelty of the manuscript and the compliance of the manuscript with the journal requirements without considering the race, gender, religion, citizenship, status, or affiliation of the author.
- The editor has the right to reject the manuscript without evaluation by the reviewer in cases of violation of the plagiarism and duplicate manuscript policy, authorship policy, inconsistency of the manuscript with the journal subject.
- Manuscripts that are considered by the editor to contain plagiarism, duplicates, authorship policies, inconsistency of the manuscript with the journal subject can be rejected without evaluation by the reviewer.
- Comments will be given by the editor with the aim of improving the manuscript according to the journal requirements. The manuscript with comments will be sent to the corresponding author for revision.
- If there is a change in the content of the manuscript between the editor and the author, the manuscript will be sent to the reviewer without the changes for evaluation. The changes allowed do not involve the structure of the manuscript.
- The manuscript will be transferred for evaluation to another editor if the editor has a conflict of interest in the submitted manuscript or the author of the manuscript.
- The manuscript is accepted or rejected by the editor based on the opinions of experts, which will be obtained at the double-blind peer review stage
- The editor will remove the manuscript and accompanying documents from the editorial office on the rejected manuscript. The manuscript material may not be used further in any way. Correspondence conducted with the author of the article via email is stored and can be used if needed for further processing related to the submitted manuscript.
- The editor is not allowed to convey any data related to the manuscript to third parties during the manuscript processing before publication.
- The editor will act in accordance with the journal's policy if there is a conflict of interest, data falsification, or plagiarism after the publication of the manuscript.
- The editor guarantees the latest information on journal indexing but the journal index in databases and other indexing sources of world scientific journals is independent of the journal's editorial board and is not part of the publishing process.
Ethical obligations of authors
- Submission of the manuscript is a confirmation that all authors have read the journal's policies and manuscript design requirements.
- Authors must ensure that there is or no conflict of interest when submitting the manuscript. If there is a conflict of interest, it must be explained in detail what the conflict of interest is.
- Everyone listed in the list of authors of the manuscript is a person who has made a significant contribution to the implementation of the research, processing of results, or preparation of the manuscript. Individuals and institutions that have contributed to the research or manuscript that are not listed in the author list must be mentioned in the acknowledgements section.
- Authors must describe the research in the manuscript accurately and format the manuscript according to the journal's requirements.
- Manuscripts submitted to the journal are not journals that have been published or are being considered in other journals. Manuscripts that have previously been submitted to other journals must be ensured that the manuscript is deleted and will not be published in the journal.
- Authors are not permitted to submit manuscripts that essentially describe the same _ as other manuscripts.
- Research results published by other authors that are used as references Bibliography, citations, etc. by the author of the manuscript must be presented in the reference list and related references in the text of the manuscript.
- The author must revise the manuscript according to the journal requirements and recommendations from the reviewers. If there is an increase in the improvement of the manuscript, the author can contact the editor or journal manager to discuss it.
- Comments from the editor and reviewer can be withdrawn if there is a scientific discussion result that is appropriate between the author and the editor or journal reviewer. The author can provide scientific reasons why they disagree with the request to make certain changes. The editor considers the author's opinion and respects the author's intellectual property rights, but only scientific arguments and justifications will be considered. If the author refuses to make changes to the manuscript at the request of the editor or reviewer without proper scientific justification, the manuscript will be rejected.
- The editor can ask for confirmation regarding conflicts of interest, author contributions, or confirmation of receipt of scientific results described in the manuscript at any stage of the process while maintaining data confidentiality.
Ethical responsibilities of manuscript reviewers
- Reviewers only have the right to conduct scientific evaluation of manuscripts.
- Reviewers transfer manuscripts to other specialists if there is a conflict of interest after confirming with the editor.
- Reviewers can ask for advice from third-party experts to help with the editor's approval. Reviewers can provide recommendations to the editor regarding who can be contacted as additional evaluators.
- Reviewers receive manuscripts without any information about the author, but this factor does not affect the results of the scientific evaluation of the manuscript.
- If there are changes made by the author, the editor can submit a request for re-evaluation to the reviewer.
- The decision of the journal editor to accept and publish the manuscript is based on a review submitted by at least two experts.
- Reviewers conduct evaluations by considering the journal's requirements and policies. Reviewers can involve the editor to avoid doubt.
- The review procedure involves filling in the formula and providing comments or marks made by the journal editor.
- The editorial team can change the review form and important questions to evaluate the manuscript according to the policy. The review form cannot be transferred to third parties and used for other purposes.
- All assessments of the quality of submitted manuscripts must be supported by scientific literature. Every statement regarding the results of observations, conclusions, or arguments presented must be accompanied by appropriate citations.