About the Journal

Journal of Mechanical and Energy Systems is a multidisciplinary research Journal covering scientific areas:

- Mechanical Engineering

- Materials science

- Energy

The journal publishes original papers, review articles, and technical notes. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that bridge the gap between research, development, and implementation.

Especially sought are papers that cover both theoretical and experimental aspects, or that cover theoretical material that is highly relevant to practical applications.

Focus and Scope

Journal of Mechanical and Energy Systems is an multidisciplinary character of the journal, the authors can report the new techniques in model analytical, computational, and experimental relevant to existing manufacturing processes in machine tools, control systems, software design, structural mechanics, material processing, metal forming, behaviour, and application of advanced materials (metals, biomaterials, composites, etc.), impact mechanics, strain localization and other nonlinear effects (e.g. large deflection, plasticity, fracture, etc)., fluid mechanics (external and internal flow), renewable energy innovative systems, sustainable energy systems, analysis and optimization of energy processes, optimal use of energy resources, energy use, and energy efficiency, tribology, thermodynamics, innovative renewable energy systems, sustainable energy systems, energy process analysis and optimisation, optimal use of energy resources, and energy use for industry and households that have no or little impact on the environment.