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Alrawi, K. W. (2008). Knowledge management and organization's perception in the United Arab Emirates: Case study. International Journal of Commerce and Management, 18(4), 382-394.
Astuti, R. D., & Martdianty, F. (2012). Students entrepreneurial intentions by using theory of planned behavior: The case in Indonesia. The South East Asian Journal of Management, 6(2).
Bercovitz, J., & Feldman, M. (2008). Academic entrepreneurs: Organizational change at the individual level. Organization Science, 19(1), 69-89.
Cader, Y., Kathleen O'Neill, K., Blooshi, A. A., Bakheet Al Shouq, A. A., Hussain Mohamed Fadaaq, B., & Galal Ali, F. (2013). Knowledge management in Islamic and conventional banks in the United Arab Emirates. Management Research Review, 36(4), 388-399.
Call, D. (2005). Knowledge management not rocket science. Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(2), 19-30.
Calik, E., Calisir, F., & Cetinguc, B. (2017). A scale development for innovation capability measurement. Journal of Advanced Management Science, 5(2), 69-76.
Chi, Y., Hsu, T., & Yang, W. (2006). Ontological techniques for reuse and sharing knowledge in digital museums. The Electronic Library, 24(2), 147-159.
Conner, K. & Prahalad, C. (2002). A Resource-Based Theory of the Firm. In Choo and Bontis (Eds.) The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge, New York: Oxford University Press, 103-131
Gao, F., Li, M., & Clarke, S. (2008). Knowledge, management, and knowledge management in business operations. Journal of Knowledge Management, 12(2), 3-17.
Gloet, M., & Terziovski, M. (2004). Exploring the relationship between knowledge management practices and innovation performance. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 15(5), 402-409.
Gold, A. H., Malhotra, A., & Segars, A. H. (2001). Knowledge management: An organizational capabilities perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, 18(1), 185-214.
Latan, H, & Ghozali I. (2017). Partial Least Squares : Konsep, Metode, dan Aplikasi Menggunakan Program WarpPLS.5.0. Edisi Ketiga. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro.
Henderson, R., & Robertson, M. (1999). Who wants to be an entrepreneur? Young adult attitudes to entrepreneurship as a career. Education + Training, 41(5), 236-245.
Henry, C., Hill, F., & Leitch, C. (2005). Entrepreneurship education and training: Can entrepreneurship be taught? Part I. Education + Training, 47(2), 98-111.
Ho, C. (2009). The relationship between knowledge management enablers and performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(1), 98-117.
Kauffman Foundation. (2013). Entrepreneurship Education Comes of Age on Campus, Kauffman Foundation
Khedhaouria, A., & Jamal, A. (2015). Sourcing knowledge for innovation: Knowledge reuse and creation in project teams. Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(5), 932-948.
Kock, N., & Hadaya, P. (2018). Minimum sample size estimation in PLS-SEM: The inverse square root and gamma-exponential methods. Information Systems Journal, 28(1), 227261.
Kristiansen, S., & Indarti, N. (2004). Entrepreneurial intention among Indonesian and Norwegian students. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 12(01), 55-78.
Lee, H., Chae, Y., & Suh, Y. (2004). Knowledge conversion and practical use with information technology in Korean companies. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 15(3), 279-294.
Lin, H. (2007). Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: An empirical study. International Journal of Manpower, 28(3/4), 315-332.
Liu, H., Chai, K., & F. Nebus, J. (2013). Balancing codification and personalization for knowledge reuse: A Markov decision process approach. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(5), 755-772.
Mars, M.M., Slaughter, S. & Rhoades,G. (2008). The state-sponsored student entrepreneur. The Journal of Higher Education, 79(6), 638-670.
Marchand, J., & Hermens, A. (2015). Student Entrepreneurship: A Research Agenda. The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation, 8(2), 226 - 282.
Mills, A. M., & Smith, T. A. (2011). Knowledge management and organizational performance: A decomposed view. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(1), 156-171.
Nonaka, I., & Takeuchi, H. (1995). The Knowledge-creating company How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation, New York: Oxford University Press.
Patricia, P., & Silangen, C. (2016). The effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention in Indonesia. DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen, 11(1), 67.
Plessis, M. (2007). The role of knowledge management in innovation. Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(4), 20-29.
Politis, D., Winborg, J., & Dahlstrand, Ã…. L. (2011). Exploring the resource logic of student entrepreneurs. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 30(6), 659-683.
Rasmussen, E. A., & Sørheim, R. (2006). Action-based entrepreneurship education. Technovation, 26(2), 185-194.
Rothaermel, F. T., Agung, S. D., & Jiang, L. (2007). University entrepreneurship: A taxonomy of the literature. Industrial and Corporate Change, 16(4), 691-791.
Saulais, P., & Ermine, J. (2012). Creativity and knowledge management. VINE: The Journal of Information & Knowledge Management Systems, 42 (3/4), 416438.
Szulanski, G. (2002). Sticky knowledge: Barriers to knowing in the firm. SAGE.
Taherparvar, N., Esmaeilpour, R., & Dostar, M. (2014). Customer knowledge management, innovation capability and business performance: A case study of the banking industry. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(3), 591-610.
Van Beveren, J. (2002). A model of knowledge acquisition that refocuses knowledge management. Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(1), 18-22.
Vij, S. and Farooq, R. (2014). Knowledge sharing orientation and its relationship with business performance: a structural equation modeling approach, IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, 12 (3), 17-41.
Von Krogh, G., Nonaka, I., & Aben, M. (2001). Making the most of your company's knowledge: A strategic framework. Long Range Planning, 34(4), 421-439.
Alrawi, K. W. (2008). Knowledge management and organization's perception in the United Arab Emirates: Case study. International Journal of Commerce and Management, 18(4), 382-394.
Astuti, R. D., & Martdianty, F. (2012). Students entrepreneurial intentions by using theory of planned behavior: The case in Indonesia. The South East Asian Journal of Management, 6(2).
Bercovitz, J., & Feldman, M. (2008). Academic entrepreneurs: Organizational change at the individual level. Organization Science, 19(1), 69-89.
Cader, Y., Kathleen O'Neill, K., Blooshi, A. A., Bakheet Al Shouq, A. A., Hussain Mohamed Fadaaq, B., & Galal Ali, F. (2013). Knowledge management in Islamic and conventional banks in the United Arab Emirates. Management Research Review, 36(4), 388-399.
Call, D. (2005). Knowledge management not rocket science. Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(2), 19-30.
Calik, E., Calisir, F., & Cetinguc, B. (2017). A scale development for innovation capability measurement. Journal of Advanced Management Science, 5(2), 69-76.
Chi, Y., Hsu, T., & Yang, W. (2006). Ontological techniques for reuse and sharing knowledge in digital museums. The Electronic Library, 24(2), 147-159.
Conner, K. & Prahalad, C. (2002). A Resource-Based Theory of the Firm. In Choo and Bontis (Eds.) The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge, New York: Oxford University Press, 103-131
Gao, F., Li, M., & Clarke, S. (2008). Knowledge, management, and knowledge management in business operations. Journal of Knowledge Management, 12(2), 3-17.
Gloet, M., & Terziovski, M. (2004). Exploring the relationship between knowledge management practices and innovation performance. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 15(5), 402-409.
Gold, A. H., Malhotra, A., & Segars, A. H. (2001). Knowledge management: An organizational capabilities perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, 18(1), 185-214.
Latan, H, & Ghozali I. (2017). Partial Least Squares : Konsep, Metode, dan Aplikasi Menggunakan Program WarpPLS.5.0. Edisi Ketiga. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro.
Henderson, R., & Robertson, M. (1999). Who wants to be an entrepreneur? Young adult attitudes to entrepreneurship as a career. Education + Training, 41(5), 236-245.
Henry, C., Hill, F., & Leitch, C. (2005). Entrepreneurship education and training: Can entrepreneurship be taught? Part I. Education + Training, 47(2), 98-111.
Ho, C. (2009). The relationship between knowledge management enablers and performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(1), 98-117.
Kauffman Foundation. (2013). Entrepreneurship Education Comes of Age on Campus, Kauffman Foundation
Khedhaouria, A., & Jamal, A. (2015). Sourcing knowledge for innovation: Knowledge reuse and creation in project teams. Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(5), 932-948.
Kock, N., & Hadaya, P. (2018). Minimum sample size estimation in PLS-SEM: The inverse square root and gamma-exponential methods. Information Systems Journal, 28(1), 227261.
Kristiansen, S., & Indarti, N. (2004). Entrepreneurial intention among Indonesian and Norwegian students. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 12(01), 55-78.
Lee, H., Chae, Y., & Suh, Y. (2004). Knowledge conversion and practical use with information technology in Korean companies. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 15(3), 279-294.
Lin, H. (2007). Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: An empirical study. International Journal of Manpower, 28(3/4), 315-332.
Liu, H., Chai, K., & F. Nebus, J. (2013). Balancing codification and personalization for knowledge reuse: A Markov decision process approach. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(5), 755-772.
Mars, M.M., Slaughter, S. & Rhoades,G. (2008). The state-sponsored student entrepreneur. The Journal of Higher Education, 79(6), 638-670.
Marchand, J., & Hermens, A. (2015). Student Entrepreneurship: A Research Agenda. The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation, 8(2), 226 - 282.
Mills, A. M., & Smith, T. A. (2011). Knowledge management and organizational performance: A decomposed view. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(1), 156-171.
Nonaka, I., & Takeuchi, H. (1995). The Knowledge-creating company How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation, New York: Oxford University Press.
Patricia, P., & Silangen, C. (2016). The effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention in Indonesia. DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen, 11(1), 67.
Plessis, M. (2007). The role of knowledge management in innovation. Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(4), 20-29.
Politis, D., Winborg, J., & Dahlstrand, Ã…. L. (2011). Exploring the resource logic of student entrepreneurs. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 30(6), 659-683.
Rasmussen, E. A., & Sørheim, R. (2006). Action-based entrepreneurship education. Technovation, 26(2), 185-194.
Rothaermel, F. T., Agung, S. D., & Jiang, L. (2007). University entrepreneurship: A taxonomy of the literature. Industrial and Corporate Change, 16(4), 691-791.
Saulais, P., & Ermine, J. (2012). Creativity and knowledge management. VINE: The Journal of Information & Knowledge Management Systems, 42 (3/4), 416438.
Szulanski, G. (2002). Sticky knowledge: Barriers to knowing in the firm. SAGE.
Taherparvar, N., Esmaeilpour, R., & Dostar, M. (2014). Customer knowledge management, innovation capability and business performance: A case study of the banking industry. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(3), 591-610.
Van Beveren, J. (2002). A model of knowledge acquisition that refocuses knowledge management. Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(1), 18-22.
Vij, S. and Farooq, R. (2014). Knowledge sharing orientation and its relationship with business performance: a structural equation modeling approach, IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, 12 (3), 17-41.
Von Krogh, G., Nonaka, I., & Aben, M. (2001). Making the most of your company's knowledge: A strategic framework. Long Range Planning, 34(4), 421-439.